Submission of articles
Authors are invited to submit papers for upcoming journal release of IJARIIT International Journal. Papers submitted must be your work originally and must not have been published previously. Papers must be in the format as in the PDF below. We suggest you not to send the same article in more than one journal at a time.
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Frequency of publication
IJARIIT International Journal is published as a bi-monthly journal with 6 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subject to the scope and need.
Article processing
All submitted articles will be initially subjected to editorial procedures and if found suitable for publishing will be sent to reviewers for peer review. It is not necessary that every article will go for peer review. Once the review process is over and the article is accepted, authors will be intimated over email provided with a paper ID, which the author is insisted to reply within 5 days of time, after which the article will be sent for publishing after all the necessary formalities being done.
Authors can easily submit “Digital Copyright form” of their manuscript. You need not print or scan the copyright form. All you have to do enter your “Unique Tracking Code” that you have received in your acceptance email in the space provided below. This will generate your Copyright form.
Once you have verified the information on that pre-generated copyright form, attach a copy of any Govt. issued or approved ID card and click submit
Fee for publication
There is no fee for article processing and publication of the paper. Authors have to pay only online maintenance fees and fee for the certificate (if a certificate is required). Manuscripts with a large number of pages will be charged Rs. 100/ USD 2 per page after 10 pages.
See detailed fee structure here.
IJARIIT avails you various mode of payments for your convenience. We accept direct deposit to the Bank, or you can now pay online through NEFT transfer or online payment using your Net Banking/Debit/Credit card. For more details please browse the options available here.
Fee for Certification
All authors are given free digitally signed e-certificate on their registered emails once the paper is published.
Hard Copy of Certificate
You can apply for the hard copy of the certificate by filling a form here and paying a nominal fee of Rs. 350 per certificate, which include printing, courier, postage and handling charges. Please make sure you have entered the correct postage address while applying to ensure safe and timely delivery of the certificate.
Sample Certificate:
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