This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-3, 2019
Information Science and Engineering
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V.
SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Big data, Cloud computing, Hospital queuing recommendation
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V.. A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V. (2019). A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V.. "A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2019).
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V.. A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V. (2019). A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)
Mukul Kumar Majhi, Pushkar Raj, N. Akansh Sai, Raghavendra S. K., Kiran Kumar V.. "A novel algorithm to improve queuing system in hospital using big data." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2019).
In the current era, time is an important entity of our daily life. Unnecessary waiting and overcrowding are one of the major challenges faced by people in hospitals. It ultimately results in frustration among people. So, a new and efficient treatment plan needs to be implemented in Hospitals. Therefore, we propose a Patient Treatment Time Prediction (PTTP) algorithm to calculate the waiting time of each treatment task. A Hospital Queuing Recommendation (HQR) suggests a queue order of treatment tasks the patient can follow in order to have the least waiting time. We use MYSQL database to implement and achieve goals.