This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-4, 2018
Anushree M K, Krishna R
Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
16 August, 2018
Paper ID
Smart farming, Internet of things


Anushree M K, Krishna R. A smart farming system using Arduino based technology, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Anushree M K, Krishna R (2018). A smart farming system using Arduino based technology. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(4)

Anushree M K, Krishna R. "A smart farming system using Arduino based technology." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.4 (2018).


Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that permits things to communicate and connect with each other. This is helpful in changing the patterns and processes in both industry and agriculture towards higher efficiency. A system is proposed which describes the smart farming in order to improve the production process in planting. Smart farming consists of two main parts which are a sensor system and a control system. Sensor system consists of a set of tools to obtain the sensed values. Control system involves a blower, watering and roofing system operated on a human interface. Two Arduino boards are programmed for sensing and the controlling system. Programming for controlling the system is done in python. The sensed values from a different sensor are viewed on an LCD display as well as a serial monitor. Results are maintained as a database in excel sheet and the graphical representation of the same is obtained. Looking on to results obtained from the sensor system, a control system is activated using the python controlling console. An increase in product quality and quantity is achieved by following the proper decision-making process.