This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-1, 2021
Logistics And Supply Chain Management, And Operations Management
Sumit Patil
K.L.E. Society’s College of Business Administration (BBA), Lingaraj College, India
Pub. Date
01 March, 2021
Paper ID
Procurement Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, and Operations


Sumit Patil. A study of the implementation of e-procurement in construction material traders with special reference to South Bangalore, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Sumit Patil (2021). A study of the implementation of e-procurement in construction material traders with special reference to South Bangalore. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(1)

Sumit Patil. "A study of the implementation of e-procurement in construction material traders with special reference to South Bangalore." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.1 (2021).


The purpose of the study was to explore the establishment of an e-procurement system in selected organizations in Bangalore. This was guided by certain objectives: What lessons can be learned from e-procurement implementation in the construction industry, what is the Importance of this study, the challenges, and benefits encountered when using an e-market provider for the construction industry and operations runs in the same field. To satisfy the research objective, the study population was made up of several vendors who provide the construction work material and targeted 100 vendors to collect the required data. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Respondents from the organizations were purposively sampled which targeted the e-procurement project, procurement staff, and Accountant staff who working in the procurement department; and are still working in the above-mentioned organization. The study revealed that a number of reasons affected the implementation of an e-procurement system ranging from the individual level. The benefits will be enormous to those organizations that implement e-procurement fully.