This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-1, 2019
Embedded and IoT
P. V. Vishnu Teja, Araddhana Arvind Deshmukh, Bhupenra Pratap Singh, Vaishali Prakash Maheshkar, Dr. Kavi Priya
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pub. Date
30 January, 2019
Paper ID
Internet of Things, OCR, Automatic detection system


P. V. Vishnu Teja, Araddhana Arvind Deshmukh, Bhupenra Pratap Singh, Vaishali Prakash Maheshkar, Dr. Kavi Priya. A survey on identification of vehicle number plate using Viola Jones, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

P. V. Vishnu Teja, Araddhana Arvind Deshmukh, Bhupenra Pratap Singh, Vaishali Prakash Maheshkar, Dr. Kavi Priya (2019). A survey on identification of vehicle number plate using Viola Jones. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(1)

P. V. Vishnu Teja, Araddhana Arvind Deshmukh, Bhupenra Pratap Singh, Vaishali Prakash Maheshkar, Dr. Kavi Priya. "A survey on identification of vehicle number plate using Viola Jones." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.1 (2019).


In the existing system, some people who are driving vehicles without obeying the rule and also there is no automatic detection system to find the people who are all violating public safety. In the proposed system we introduce an automatic detection system when people overrule the road safety. We implement a detection system to identify the vehicle by scanning number plate using OCR. IOT (Internet Of Things) is technology in which we can integrate hardware and software here we integrate mat lab and hardware sensors. We use the IR sensor to detect the vehicle which is crossing the signal line. And also we identify the theft vehicle using the same OCR system