This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-2, 2019
Cloud Computing And Security
Jeshima Firdouse R., Shivani G.
Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pub. Date
26 March, 2019
Paper ID
BVCS, Traffic efficiency, Energy efficient, FAH Algorithm, AES Algorithm


Jeshima Firdouse R., Shivani G.. Achieving secure file download by traffic and energy saving encrypted search technique and generate key image using BVCS, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Jeshima Firdouse R., Shivani G. (2019). Achieving secure file download by traffic and energy saving encrypted search technique and generate key image using BVCS. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(2)

Jeshima Firdouse R., Shivani G.. "Achieving secure file download by traffic and energy saving encrypted search technique and generate key image using BVCS." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.2 (2019).


Cloud Computing is a model of Internet-based computing where resources like storage space, online software are provided by different cloud service providers to different types of cloud users who need cloud services. When a cloud user outsources the data on cloud, it has to provide more security for outsourced data preventing data manipulated or accessed by unauthorized users. To maintain data integrity, each and every cloud service has to be stored securely. For easier accessing of files and to generate file indexes, each file is stored in cloud server. Now cloud users search files and again send download request to cloud server. This process is time consuming and also there is a chance that the cloud service provider might access those files which is stored in the cloud server, because both the encrypted file with correspondent keys and file indexes are stored in cloud server. To overcome these problems, this system introduces storage nodes for storing file indexes and encrypted files and cloud server stores files keys. When a cloud user uploads file, the file index is generated automatically and file is encrypted by using AES algorithm with automatically generated key. After that by Visual cryptography scheme, the key is converted into image and then generated as key image and source images respectively. The encrypted file and the file indexes are stored in storage node, key and source image are stored in cloud server and key image is passed to file owner. Whenever file owner or file users want to download or access files then perform search and then put key image as an input. If valid, it matches the key with the source image and later it can be downloaded.