This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-3, 2022
Arduiono Uno
Anargha Roy Chowdhury, Sneha Ray, Manish Rai, Parna Das, Dr. Sangita Roy, Rimpi Dutta, Anushree Mondol
Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Pub. Date
14 June, 2022
Paper ID
Increasing Security for Standard House Doors, Pir Sensor, Yolo Lite, Face Mask Detection, and Arduino


Anargha Roy Chowdhury, Sneha Ray, Manish Rai, Parna Das, Dr. Sangita Roy, Rimpi Dutta, Anushree Mondol. Advance door lock with face mask detection using Arduino motion detector by PIR sensor and YOLO-LITE, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Anargha Roy Chowdhury, Sneha Ray, Manish Rai, Parna Das, Dr. Sangita Roy, Rimpi Dutta, Anushree Mondol (2022). Advance door lock with face mask detection using Arduino motion detector by PIR sensor and YOLO-LITE. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(3)

Anargha Roy Chowdhury, Sneha Ray, Manish Rai, Parna Das, Dr. Sangita Roy, Rimpi Dutta, Anushree Mondol. "Advance door lock with face mask detection using Arduino motion detector by PIR sensor and YOLO-LITE." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.3 (2022).


This project is primarily for the security of any department, it may be the doors of ordinary houses, or it may be of any other type of department. But it is better for the standard doors of the house as some types of doors have many higher locks and are better for that purpose. But house locks are very simple and very basic to be open today, which is that burglary and theft are on the rise this way, so as a solution it can help us protect our home. During the violence of COVID-19, the mask played a key role in preventing the spread of this deadly disease. We know that this deadly disease is spread by air polluted by droplets and tiny particles of air that contain germs. Therefore, the mask played an important role as it suppressed the transmission. Used as a barrier. We are focused on preventing the rapid spread of COVID-19 in public places such as shopping malls, hospitals, and ATMs where people do not wear masks and spread or become infected. It is hard work when we use human power to monitor individuals in the community and high costs. Therefore, we provide a solution using YOLO-lite architecture to determine if the person standing in front of the door is wearing a face mask.