This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-2, 2018
Shashi Ranjan, Manish Gupta, Roshan R, Revanth KVNM, Manish Bharat, Pruthviraj BG
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
27 April, 2018
Paper ID
Alcohol detection, Breath-based system, Relay module, Wireless network.


Shashi Ranjan, Manish Gupta, Roshan R, Revanth KVNM, Manish Bharat, Pruthviraj BG. Advanced accident prevention helmet with smart vehicle protection system, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Shashi Ranjan, Manish Gupta, Roshan R, Revanth KVNM, Manish Bharat, Pruthviraj BG (2018). Advanced accident prevention helmet with smart vehicle protection system. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(2)

Shashi Ranjan, Manish Gupta, Roshan R, Revanth KVNM, Manish Bharat, Pruthviraj BG. "Advanced accident prevention helmet with smart vehicle protection system." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.2 (2018).


Breath-based alcohol detection system detects alcohol content in motor vehicle drivers breath and localizes drink and drive situation. This alcohol detection system needs to be low cost and highly effective to be widely deployed. A simple alcohol detection scheme is employed to detect the quantity of alcohol in the human body through a breath-based system and accordingly, the relay module is operated depending upon the alcohol content recognized in the rider’s breath. Post alcohol detection there is relay operation which brings the vehicle to zero motion state in the case where a driver is drunk; this particular part is attached to the motor vehicle key ignition system. Relay module is attached to the key switch and battery connection so that in case of any fault in the system the system can neutralize for a short span of time. The high-speed wireless network is used to for fast response and accurate data transfer. We use the query based system for data transfer which captures the data and transfers it one by one depending upon the delay set by the user This device can be easily installed in any vehicles with ease. It can also be installed in the existing vehicles by making few minor changes which will not affect the performance of the vehicle but will help to decrease the risk of deaths due to accidents.