This paper is published in Volume-10, Issue-3, 2024
Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics
Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane, Dr. Vaibhav D. Lohate
Government Dental College and Hospital, Chh.Sambhaji Nagar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
21 June, 2024
Paper ID
Diastema, Multiple Spacing, Tooth Fracture, Putty Index Technique, Palatal Guide, Custom Template, Composite Resin Restoration.


Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane, Dr. Vaibhav D. Lohate. Aesthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth Using Composite Resin and Putty Index – A Case Report, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane, Dr. Vaibhav D. Lohate (2024). Aesthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth Using Composite Resin and Putty Index – A Case Report. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 10(3)

Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane, Dr. Vaibhav D. Lohate. "Aesthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth Using Composite Resin and Putty Index – A Case Report." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 10.3 (2024).


In today’s world, the majority of the dental treatments that are performed are done with aesthetics as the major concern. Diastema is one of the most common forms of malocclusion. Along with midline diastema, there can be generalized spacing in anterior teeth. Some patients report fractured teeth due to trauma which commonly involves maxillary anteriors in children and adolescents. Correction of multiple diastema without much preparation of the teeth is challenging in clinical esthetic dentistry. It is important to ensure that restorations should restore not only function but also aesthetics. Restoration of palatal surfaces using direct techniques is difficult but can be simplified by using a template. This article presents a case report of esthetic management of spacing in maxillary anterior teeth including midline diastema and fractured incisor with composite resin restoration utilizing the putty index technique.