This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-3, 2022
Aggregator Application Development
Shivanandhini P. B., Shreevidya S., Sasirekha R., Reena R.
Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Pub. Date
02 June, 2022
Paper ID
Geofencing, Interactive Genetic Algorithm, Proactive Fast Low Resource Algorithm, Design Interface, Tailor Application


Shivanandhini P. B., Shreevidya S., Sasirekha R., Reena R.. Aggregator application for tailoring with the integration of geo-fencing to analyze customers and fashion designers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Shivanandhini P. B., Shreevidya S., Sasirekha R., Reena R. (2022). Aggregator application for tailoring with the integration of geo-fencing to analyze customers and fashion designers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(3)

Shivanandhini P. B., Shreevidya S., Sasirekha R., Reena R.. "Aggregator application for tailoring with the integration of geo-fencing to analyze customers and fashion designers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.3 (2022).


The fashion aggregator is an android application that connects the tailor and the user from their remote location. This application plays a major role in reducing time consumption by letting the user, sketch their clothing design through the developed interface designed using Interactive genetic algorithm. Also, the geofencing feature with a proactive fast low resource algorithm helps the user to locate tailors within a radius of three kilometers. The tailor application displays the orders placed by the users. The tailors are listed based on ratings given by the previous user. Once the request is accepted by the dressmaker, the tailor updates the days required to complete the task. Simultaneously the cost calculations are made through the application and displayed to the user. The user can track their order through the application. This application is developed with the help of java programming language and Google maps API along with the android studio.