This paper is published in Volume-1, Issue-4, 2015
Mechanical Engineering
Sahil Guleria
RBIEBT, Mohali, Punjab, India
Paper ID


Sahil Guleria. Analysis of Connecting Rod using Ti-6AI-4V, Steel and Ai-LM6 Composites, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Sahil Guleria (2015). Analysis of Connecting Rod using Ti-6AI-4V, Steel and Ai-LM6 Composites. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 1(4)

Sahil Guleria. "Analysis of Connecting Rod using Ti-6AI-4V, Steel and Ai-LM6 Composites." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 1.4 (2015).


Now a day the light weight composite materials are widely used in engineering field. The composite materials has good characteristic of wear resistance, hardness and tensile strength. Due to less weight and good strength the composite materials plays a vital role in engineering field. Connecting rods can be made of composite material. The automobile engine connecting rod is a high volume production, critical component. It connects reciprocating piston to rotating crankshaft, transmitting the thrust of the piston to the crankshaft. Every vehicle that uses an internal combustion engine requires at least one connecting rod. It is subjected to multiple compressive & tensile forces generated by fuel combustion. The high magnitude of force is responsible for many kinds of failure. These failures need to be prevented & for this purpose analysis needed to be done. This study considers the case of static load stress analysis of the connecting rod. The model was developed in CATIA V5 R17 software, and then imported to ANSYS workbench. Using ANSYS workbench, model was analyzed for various stresses by applying suitable boundary conditions. Various parameters like equivalent stress, maximum shear stress, maximum and minimum principal stress and factor of safety are analyzed. Three materials were analyzed based upon their factor of safety viz., Structural Steel & Al-LM6 and Ti-6Al-4V. Ti-6Al-4V being light in weight having more yield strength and good safety factor became the best suitable material.