This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-4, 2017
Cloud Computing
Shrikrishna Kerur, Dr. Anand N. Diggikar
KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
25 July, 2017
Paper ID
Deduplication, Authorized Duplicate Check, Confidentiality, Hybrid Cloud, Convergent Key


Shrikrishna Kerur, Dr. Anand N. Diggikar. Authorized Deduplication of Files in Cloud Environment, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Shrikrishna Kerur, Dr. Anand N. Diggikar (2017). Authorized Deduplication of Files in Cloud Environment. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(4)

Shrikrishna Kerur, Dr. Anand N. Diggikar. "Authorized Deduplication of Files in Cloud Environment." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.4 (2017).


Data deduplication is one of vital information compression procedures for disposing of copy duplicates of rehashing information, and has been generally utilized as a part of cloud storage to lessen the measure of storage room and spare data transfer capacity. To secure the classification of sensitive information while supporting deduplication, the convergent encryption method has been proposed to encode the information before outsourcing. To better ensure information security, this paper makes the primary endeavor to formally address the issue of approved information deduplication. Not quite the same as customary deduplication frameworks, the differential benefits of clients are additionally considered in copy check other than the information itself. We likewise display a few new deduplication developments supporting approved copy check in a half and half cloud design. Security examination exhibits that our plan is secure as far as the definitions indicated in the proposed security show. As a proof of idea, we execute a model of our proposed approved duplicate check plan and direct testbed experiments utilizing our model. We demonstrate that our proposed authorized duplicate check scheme brings about negligible overhead contrasted with normal operations.