This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Computer Engineering
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi
Thakur Polytechnic, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Microcontroller, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino, Encoder
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi. Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi (2021). Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi. "Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi. Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi (2021). Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)
Kaushal Darji, Abdur Razzaq Qureshi, Vinit Bhosale, Harshit Dubey, Manish Salvi. "Autonomous car using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino controller." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).
This project is will provide information about An Autonomous Car which is developed by using Arduino Uno Micro Controller with UltraSound technology supported with a servo motor. This robot will be able to move on its own and can turn left and right if it detects an object in front of it. The robot and its components get commands from a program written in C++ language. The robot is initially at rest and sends ultrasonic sounds from its sensor and receives it and returns the distance it founds in front of it. If the distance is not enough or it's is very less the robot moves a little back and then the servo motor rotates the ultrasonic sensor first to the right of the robot and then the ultrasonic sensor calculates the distance of the right. Then servo motor again gains its original position the turns left. The ultrasonic sensor again calculates the left distance and returns both left and right distance. then the robot to the direction in which it gets maximum distance.