This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-4, 2021
Computer Science Engineering
Pranav Kongara
Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
22 July, 2021
Paper ID
Android Studio, Java, XML, College Kendra, Online OTP Attendance, Calculator, E-Passbook, Online Notice Board, Chat Room, Anonymous Feedback, Automatic Silent Mode Turner, Distress Alert


Pranav Kongara. College Kendra, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pranav Kongara (2021). College Kendra. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(4)

Pranav Kongara. "College Kendra." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.4 (2021).


The android app “College Kendra” is a package of unique features that a university/college need in their college life. There are 8 features in this android app namely Online Attendance, E-Passbook, Notice Board, Calculator, Anonymous Feedback, Automatic Silent Mode and Distress Alert. These might seem pretty common but they aren’t. This paper describes why in the coming sections. The main feature in this app, the Online attendance is made to save professor’s time on trivial attendance task. The amount of average time saved on daily basis will be 5 minutes. This is the time which will be wasted on taking attendance manually, which accounts over 10 hours per semester and 20 hours per year. Also, through this app we can 100% ensure that the student is really present in the class, thus eliminating proxies. What makes it completely efficient is the One-Time-Password based authentication (OTP). This particular Attendance feature totally eliminates the paper work too. With effective usage, any institute can apply this feature for conducting quick attendance and get better results in less time. The calculator feature I developed isn’t any typical or regular calculator that everyone uses. It doesn’t have the same usual operations. As graduation students use this, it’ll have prime and big-league operations such as bit convertor. The other features help the students with college tasks and non-academic problems. The E-Passbook, Notice Board and Chat Room features included in the app will help with classroom tasks and work as communication media. The Anonymous feedback feature helps to report any issue in the classroom. The Automatic Silent Mode Turner will set the phone in the silent mode automatically when you are in the class. The Distress Alert option would help students to alert others during emergency or unusual situations with just a single click. This paper gives a complete understanding about all the features of our app, which is a complete means of help for a university/college.