This paper is under-process in Volume-1, Issue-2, November-2014, 2014
Distributed Systems, Computer Science And Engineering
Biswajit Sarma, Srishti Dasgupta
Jorhat Engineering College, Assam, India
Sub. Date
20 November, 2014
Paper ID
Distributed Systems, Computer Science And Engineering,Linux.


The building of networks and the establishment of communication protocols have led to distributed systems, in which computers that are linked in a network cooperate on a task. The task is divided by the master node into small parts (sub problems) and is given to the nodes of the distributed system to solve, which gives better performance in time complexity to solve the problem compared to the time required to solve the problem in a single machine. Load balancing is the process of redistributing the work load among nodes of the distributed system to improve both resource utilization and job response time while also avoiding a situation where some nodes are heavily loaded while others are idle or doing little work. So before sending these parts of problem by the master to the nodes, master node should know the actual work load of all the nodes. We try a dynamic approach to find out the work load of each participating nodes in the distributed system by the master before sending the parts of the problem to the nodes. This paper describes an algorithm which runs in the master machine and collects information from the nodes of the distributed system(client server application) and calculates the current work load of the nodes of the distributed system. The algorithm is developed in such a way that it can calculate the loads of the nodes dynamically. This means the loads can be evaluated if new nodes are added or deleted or during current performance of the nodes. The whole system is implemented on linux machine and local area network.