This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-3, 2018
Science Zoology
Kunjlata Lal
Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Pub. Date
08 June, 2018
Paper ID
Problem of overpopulation, Herbal products, Male contraceptive


Kunjlata Lal. Effect of Butea monosperma flower extract on male reproductive organ of albino rats – A biochemical study, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Kunjlata Lal (2018). Effect of Butea monosperma flower extract on male reproductive organ of albino rats – A biochemical study. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)

Kunjlata Lal. "Effect of Butea monosperma flower extract on male reproductive organ of albino rats – A biochemical study." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).


One of the important concerns today is the problem of Overpopulation. Population explosion is creating worldwide problems. The population of the world is growing faster than the supplies of food, shelter and fuel. The increase in population is becoming a comprehensive dilemma, causing much pressure on economic, social and natural assets. In the present scenario world’s population has amplified at an alarming rate and is the main cause of poverty. World Health Organization (WHO) noted that majority of the World’s population depends on traditional medicine for primary healthcare. Population control is a significant issue worldwide especially in developing countries like India. Modern reproductive biomedicine has provided several preventive and effective methods of contraceptives for fertility control in male and female but none of which is very safe and without any serious side-effects. This overpopulation can be checked through biological means with special reference to modulation in the human fertility ability. Along with the advancement in the reproductive biomedicine difference hormonal contraceptive pills are developing but all have side effects. There is still a worldwide unmet need for more affordable, effective and practical contraceptives, indicating that further technological advancement or innovations to existing products are required. The oral contraceptive pill for women has had the significant impact on societal dynamics and socio-economic benefits, while the development of male contraceptive options equivalent to female products has proven an elusive goal. The main reason for this is that while sperm production can be controlled by the administration of sex steroids, there is also a decrease in testosterone that requires “add-back” therapy. The World Health Organization suggested that practice of use of traditional medicine for the control of fertility, instead of synthetic drugs, as cost-effective management for birth control. For this World Health Organization has given great emphasis on folklore use of the anti-fertility herbs. In the recent years number of plants have been identified and evaluated for their anti-fertility activity. So, formulation of new herbal medicines has become a growing trend in modern on-going experiments which includes the use of different plant parts extracts having anti-spermatogenic activities but their exact mechanism of action is not cleared. Initiative has been taken globally to find out the efficiency of herbal products for male contraceptive.