This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-5, 2022
Suresh Babu Chittimothu
Sam Higginbottom University of Agricultural Technology and Sciences-SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
20 October, 2022
Paper ID
Integrated Nutrient Management, Wheat Yield, Nutrients


Suresh Babu Chittimothu. Effect of integrated nutrients management on growth and yield of wheat, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Suresh Babu Chittimothu (2022). Effect of integrated nutrients management on growth and yield of wheat. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(5)

Suresh Babu Chittimothu. "Effect of integrated nutrients management on growth and yield of wheat." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.5 (2022).


A present field experiment was conducted in the Agricultural Science Research Area, Prabhu Dayal Memorial University, between 2020-21 and 2021-22 for the study. For the study of the Effect of integrated nutrients management on growth, yield characteristics, and yield of wheat. The experiment was done in a randomized block design with three replications and ten treatments. T1. Control, T2.100% RDN (recommended dose Nitrogen) +25% N by FYM, T3.100% RDN+25% N by vermicompost, T4.75% RDN+25% N by FYM, T5.75% RDN+ 25% N by vermicompost, T6.50% RDN+50% N by FYM, T7. By 50% RDN+50% N FYM by vermicompost, T8.25% RDN+75% N by vermicompost and T10. 100% RD. The highest yielding traits and wheat yield were produced with 100 percent of the recommended dose of Nitrogen (RDN) and +25 percent nitrogen by vermicompost in two consecutive years, but it did not differ By FYM using the recommended dose of 100 percent nitrogen (RDN)+25 percent nitrogen significantly and a treatment that applied 100 percent of the recommended dose of nitrogen. Pooled on a two-year basis data, T3 produced 94.96 percent more effective tillers, 34.14 percent longer spike length, 25.47 percent longer test weight, 165.21 percent higher grain yield, and 157.13 percent higher straw yield in wheat over control.