This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-5, 2020
Jurisprudence and Law
Priya Dharshini A.
Symbiosis Law School, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Benjamin Cardozo, Judicial Law Making, Purposivism, Textualism, Judicial Discretion
Priya Dharshini A.. Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Priya Dharshini A. (2020). Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(5)
Priya Dharshini A.. "Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.5 (2020).
Priya Dharshini A.. Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Priya Dharshini A. (2020). Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(5)
Priya Dharshini A.. "Encroaching the legislative field? Purposivism v. Textualism in practice: A clear distinction or a convergence of theories: Analysis of Cardozo’s Methods of statutory interpretation." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.5 (2020).
The Judge laws down the law, is a statement that is more often that not under dispute. Interpretation of States has a wider connotation and an impressive history situated in the common law tradition. In certain events the judges interpret the statute as it means i.e. to the text and at others wherein there exist legislative discrepancies the judges interpret the law as per individual judicial discretion. The statement the Judge laws down the law is under dispute because it is the task of the legislative to draft the laws of a nation and that of the judiciary to implement in practice. The idea of judicial law-making albeit not ideal to separation of powers has seen a growth in recent times. This paper aims in delimiting judicial discretion as explained by Benjamin Cardozo in several of his works. While judicial discretion prima facie cannot be disputed upon but there exist limits to such discretion. This paper primarily focuses upon textualism and purposivism in the interpretation of statutes. As different they are, they also need to co-exist and operate separately at times for the functioning of the judicial machinery.