This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Computer Science Engineering
Reshma A. Babu, Kavya G., Harshitha B. R.
New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
02 June, 2021
Paper ID
Online Booking, Food Service Industry, Waste Management Initiative, Adoption of Food Waste Innovation, NGO's


Reshma A. Babu, Kavya G., Harshitha B. R.. Food wastage reduction, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Reshma A. Babu, Kavya G., Harshitha B. R. (2021). Food wastage reduction. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)

Reshma A. Babu, Kavya G., Harshitha B. R.. "Food wastage reduction." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).


There is growing evidence that a significant share of global food is thrown away, with concomitant detrimental repercussions for sustainability. Reducing food waste is a key sustainability challenge for the foodservice industry. Despite the significance of this issue to the global foodservice industry, the link between innovation practices and food waste management has received limited attention in the academic literature. This paper uses innovation management and social constructionism to investigate the interrelationships of foodservice provisions and innovations in waste management. It is based on the evaluation of food waste solutions and innovations that combine strategic dimensions of waste management with practice-driven initiatives, including incremental (processes and technologies) and radical innovations. The paper presents a range of waste management initiatives, showing that their implementation in the foodservice sector varies depending on management’s beliefs, knowledge, goals, and actions. The concepts discussed here could help practitioners to become more aware of the factors that drive the adoption of food waste innovations. The prevalence of food waste has been a subject of interest and discussion in recent years and researches is being done to find effective ways to curb it. It has been identified as a primary issue in the sustainability of food production and consumption, in addition to the sustainability of food supply chains. Food waste can be divided into avoidable and unavoidable waste. Avoidable waste includes edible food and spoiled/damaged edible food, while unavoidable waste consists of inedible food like bones, fruit peels, and eggshells among others. Research shows that in Finland, 5% of purchased food is wasted in households, and an average person wasted about 20-30 kg of food in a year. The average total amount of food wasted in households yearly is about 120-160 million kilograms. Household wastage could be intentional or not. Many of the food wastage in households could be a result of forgetfulness or negligence for the food expiry date. In countries like Finland with the high cost of living, consumers are inclined to buy food nearing its expiry date due to the discount shop sellers attach periodically.