This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-1, 2020
Harinderjot Singh
Adesh College of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, Punjab, India
Pub. Date
13 February, 2020
Paper ID
Video stegnography, Least significant bit technique, Maximum motion detection.


Harinderjot Singh. Hiding secret image data into video files using 3- LSB technique, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Harinderjot Singh (2020). Hiding secret image data into video files using 3- LSB technique. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(1)

Harinderjot Singh. "Hiding secret image data into video files using 3- LSB technique." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.1 (2020).


Stegnography is a process to hide the secret message which we want to hide from the outside world in another media file while the cryptography is another security process in which a data form is changed to another so that it cannot be accessed directly. In the proposed work, 3-Least Significant Bit (3-LSB) will be used to hide the image message into a video. In the Proposed algorithm from the input video a frame with maximum motion detection and high intensity of a pixel is extracted using threshold value .60 to calculate the highest value of pixels which is treated as the target frame for hiding message. In this target frame image will hide using Least Significant approach. The resultant video becomes the stegno video. The reverse process is performed on the stegno video to extract the image file from that video file. The proposed system is tested on various input videos and various input images are used as a message to hide in these videos. Performance of the proposed system is also compared with the performance of the existing system and it is evaluated that the proposed system generates better results in terms of PSNR, MSE and Hiding Capacity than that of the existing system.