This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-3, 2018
Divya K, Puneeth S, Vijeth A Belle, Jayaraghavan, Dr. Saravana Balaji B
School of Engineering and Technology Jain University (SET JU), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
08 June, 2018
Paper ID
Raspberry Pi, Piezoelectric sensor, Home automation, Security, Sensors


Divya K, Puneeth S, Vijeth A Belle, Jayaraghavan, Dr. Saravana Balaji B. Home security using piezoelectric sensor, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Divya K, Puneeth S, Vijeth A Belle, Jayaraghavan, Dr. Saravana Balaji B (2018). Home security using piezoelectric sensor. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)

Divya K, Puneeth S, Vijeth A Belle, Jayaraghavan, Dr. Saravana Balaji B. "Home security using piezoelectric sensor." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).


Presently days, mechanization assumes a pivotal part in all workplaces and living homes. By and by mechanization systems are executed either utilizing microcontroller or PC. Microcontroller can't run different projects at once. With the utilization of Microcontroller, it is hard to control both the machines and reconnaissance at once i.e., it is exceptionally mind-boggling to play out the numerous capacities all the while. We can accomplish this with the PC, however utilizing the PC is exceptionally costly for this reason and expends more power. The Raspberry Pi is a solitary board PC and it can be utilized to conquer these issues. Basically, the Raspberry Pi framework capacities like a PC with little setup. It contains GPIO and USB ports. Utilizing these ports we can control the machines with the sensors and also interface the camera for reconnaissance. Raspberry Pi can be utilized for various purposes in view of our necessity. Security is the principle point utilizing piezoelectric sensor where this sensor is a minimal effort one. Where Piezoelectric Effect is the capacity of specific materials to create an electric charge in light of connected mechanical pressure. Alternate systems utilize diverse sorts of sensors to secure home.