This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-3, 2019
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Deepa D. N., Dhanush Gowrav Gowda K. S., Harshitha S., Hemanth H. Gowda, Anand H. D.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
10 May, 2019
Paper ID
Road Side Unit (RSU), Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication, Android App, Rescue time


Deepa D. N., Dhanush Gowrav Gowda K. S., Harshitha S., Hemanth H. Gowda, Anand H. D.. IoT V2I communication-rescue time, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Deepa D. N., Dhanush Gowrav Gowda K. S., Harshitha S., Hemanth H. Gowda, Anand H. D. (2019). IoT V2I communication-rescue time. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)

Deepa D. N., Dhanush Gowrav Gowda K. S., Harshitha S., Hemanth H. Gowda, Anand H. D.. "IoT V2I communication-rescue time." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2019).


It’s no secret that being a doctor is one of the most difficult, important and necessary professions the world and while some doctors work in hospitals and others as a real team of superheroes rushed to help others through the streets of big cities but unfortunately paramedics have to fight not only the diseases of the patient but also with road traffic. Traffic jams are a major problem in India just as in any other popular country, unfortunately, automatics have not figured out how to deal with this yet. ANDROID based systems play a crucial role in solving the problems caused by a vehicle accident. In the first part of the project, concentrates on problems faced by Ambulances, GSM concept is used to send a message regarding the current status of the victim to the Ambulance so that pre-necessary medical arrangements are taken care. In this project, we have registered some volunteer’s like junior doctors, students, senior citizens and area ministers located by near the RSU (road side unit) fixed. If any accident occurs then RSU unit will sense and immediately send the alert message to volunteers, if they respond to message they will press start button on their Android app then it will detect the location using GPS which provides the location of the accident vehicle and also set the timers if they have not taken further action than message is sent to next volunteer. In the third part, concentrated on camera which is used to capture the image and send it to respective unit through email, based on the volunteer’s respond they get credits from government or public organizations.