This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-4, 2021
Starina Flower V. M., Dr. Reena Evency A.
St. Xavier's Catholic College of Nursing, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India
Pub. Date
30 July, 2021
Paper ID
Knowledge, Perception, Covid Vaccination


Starina Flower V. M., Dr. Reena Evency A.. Knowledge and perception on COVID vaccination among adults, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Starina Flower V. M., Dr. Reena Evency A. (2021). Knowledge and perception on COVID vaccination among adults. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(4)

Starina Flower V. M., Dr. Reena Evency A.. "Knowledge and perception on COVID vaccination among adults." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.4 (2021).


COVID is a devastating pandemic that we haven't dreamed of it in 21 st century. Being in this era, man couldn’t able to control its spread despite various researches and advanced technologies. At present, vaccines are the most effective means of health measures to protect the public from the pandemic. The present study is carried out to assess the knowledge and perception of Covid vaccination among adults. A Quantitative research approach with a descriptive design was adopted in this study. A structured knowledge questionnaire and 5-point Likert scale to assess perception on Covid vaccination are used to assess the knowledge and perception on Covid vaccination. The findings reveal that 54 % of participants had moderate knowledge, 33% had adequate knowledge and 13 % of them had inadequate knowledge on Covid vaccination. Regarding perception, 35% of the participants had medium perception, 27% of them had high perception, 29% of them had very high perception, 9% had low perception on Covid vaccination. A positive relationship (r=0.87, -1 r  1)had been found between knowledge and perception on covid vaccination. Adequate awareness regarding covid vaccination among rural areas helps to improve the acceptance rate and thereby pandemics can be kept under control.