This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-4, 2020
Business Administration in International Business
Anisha Anil Hande
MIT Arts Commerce and Science, Pune Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
15 July, 2020
Paper ID
Cross-cultural diversity, International Human Resource Management (IHRM), Human Resource(HR)


Anisha Anil Hande. Managing cross-cultural diversity in global scenario through HR strategies, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Anisha Anil Hande (2020). Managing cross-cultural diversity in global scenario through HR strategies. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(4)

Anisha Anil Hande. "Managing cross-cultural diversity in global scenario through HR strategies." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.4 (2020).


International management has never been as significant as today. As the 21st Century has been tremendous growths in enterprise sectors many of the world’s largest firms are truly global and even their small counterparts increasingly participate in cross-border activities by- having customers, joint venture partner collaboration around the globe. The trend towards a single global economy is expanding the market and providing limitless opportunities for global business. Place of a job today consists of people who are diverse and unique in religion and culture, language, age gender and ability, education, interest and opinion, expectations as well. The cultural diversity of a company has cascading effects on the way its organization messages are restrained, collected, allocated, and perceived and how it is elucidated. Global workforces managing has increased pressure on human resource managers to identify and adopt the culture differences. To remain competitive, companies must have an understanding of HRM practices and cultural differences across the globe. The main motive of this study is to get a clear concept of cross-cultural management and to identify the reason, how HR mange to develop a multicultural workforce, the resultant challenges, and the way to manage effectively the diversified workforce in the international scenario.