This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Computer Technology
Charul Mehta, Anisha Ninawe, Dipti Deoke, Aditi Pidurkar, Janvi Ghate, Dr. Snehal Golait
Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
25 May, 2021
Paper ID
Laptop, Flutter, Firebase, Android Studio, data mining, data warehouse, data collection.


Charul Mehta, Anisha Ninawe, Dipti Deoke, Aditi Pidurkar, Janvi Ghate, Dr. Snehal Golait. MartShop – An E-Commerce Portal, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Charul Mehta, Anisha Ninawe, Dipti Deoke, Aditi Pidurkar, Janvi Ghate, Dr. Snehal Golait (2021). MartShop – An E-Commerce Portal. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)

Charul Mehta, Anisha Ninawe, Dipti Deoke, Aditi Pidurkar, Janvi Ghate, Dr. Snehal Golait. "MartShop – An E-Commerce Portal." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).


With the increasing popularity of ecommerce, it is very essential to involve every minuscule vendor who is innovating sundry products and selling them at a plausible price. The proposed system is implemented utilizing the latest technology flutter and with the firebase, which makes this system platform amicable and independent. The system is for all the minute vendors who are selling and earning through their hard work. Here utilizer has to register first without any registration fees and can integrate their store with rudimentary info needed for establishing the online store. After the successful registration the utilizer can upload a number of products with description and pricing additionally. Features like managing order history, contacting customers, sharing product images, sharing shop details, receiving payment, and updating shop details is given to vendors. For users features like view products, integrate products to wish list or cart, contact sellers directly, share products, and make payment is available. Utilizing the latest technology makes this shopping app more flexible and utilizer amicable. All these processes are done through data mining and using a data warehouse to collect multiple data for processing. Analysis of the data is done by K-Means algorithm and unsupervised ML.