This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-2, 2018
Akhil Baddi, U Nagamallesh, Prashanth G Raju, Niloy Ch
Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
27 April, 2018
Paper ID
Metal, Fire and Light Detection


Akhil Baddi, U Nagamallesh, Prashanth G Raju, Niloy Ch. Metal, fire and light detection robot with advanced wireless Bluetooth control, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Akhil Baddi, U Nagamallesh, Prashanth G Raju, Niloy Ch (2018). Metal, fire and light detection robot with advanced wireless Bluetooth control. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(2)

Akhil Baddi, U Nagamallesh, Prashanth G Raju, Niloy Ch. "Metal, fire and light detection robot with advanced wireless Bluetooth control." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.2 (2018).


The concept of our project is to control and monitor trough mobile app using blue-tooth the elements like based on sensing elements fire, metal through the code embedded in the microcontroller. The code is written in general purpose microcontroller for the purpose of affordability and availability of microcontrollers like MCS-51 series, pic-series, Motorola etc. Here we have taken inputs from three sensors named as the metal detector for metal sensing, LDR for fire and a combination of LDR and LED. All the above three convert analog parameters into the voltage by keeping them on potential divider networks. After calibration with potential divider network, the output voltage is fed to 8-bit, 8-channel ADC. The ADC converts analog parameters into 8-bit digital code. The microcontroller gets data from ADC and analyses with predefined values and takes necessary control action based on the predefined values. It has got two modes - Manual Mode and Automatic Mode. In the manual mode, it gives an alarm for all the parameters, but control action will not be taken. In the automatic mode, the program in the microcontroller controls all the three parameters.