This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-3, 2018
Travelling Salesman Problem, Genetic Algorithm
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal
Centre for Computers and Communication Technology, Namchi, Sikkim, India
Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Operators, Travelling Salesman Problem.
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal. Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal (2018). Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal. "Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal. Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal (2018). Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)
Rahul Verma, Nimesh Khawas, Anup Rai, Arvind Lal. "Optimal path finder using genetic algorithm." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).
In a large scale network, shortest distance query is a primary operation. Travelling salesman problem is a major problem faced by salesman. Through this paper we describe how the travelling salesman problem is solved by the method of genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are the evolutionary techniques for finding the fittest gene amongst all the combination of chromosomes using crossover and mutations over the chromosomes. The purpose is to find the most approximate solution that gives us the least distance, which is the shortest route for traversing the cities.
This problem a salesman has to traverse n number of cities in such way that it gives a ‘uni’ directed graph and each city is visited only once. We accomplish this by carrying out the algorithm through generating a fitness formula and With the help of genetic operators like selection, crossover and mutation.