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Research Paper

The Influence of Japanese Values on its Business Culture

The objective of this paper is both to show the impact of Japanese social values on building and keeping up business connections and to underline the significance of understanding these social values to work together effectively in Japan. This paper emphasizes on the influences of the Japanese lifestyle, values, ideals and cultural assumptions and how all these influences the way the Japanese people do business. It expands upon how the corporate culture in Japan is largely influenced by the cultural values of its people. This paper will better help in understanding the do’s and don’ts when involved in business or employment with the Japanese and how to deal and do business with the Japanese in their own way which might be very different from how any other country or culture conduct business. This helps one understand how crucial the Japanese hold their varied values and ideals which they do not want to be disrespected or disregarded in any way.

Published by: Ritwik Rathore, Kanishka Agarwal, Siddharth Agrawal

Author: Ritwik Rathore

Paper ID: V4I1-1301

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2018

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Research Paper

National Service in Singapore and Development over the Last 50 Years

Published by: Mohit Pandit, Thomas Nixon

Author: Mohit Pandit

Paper ID: V4I1-1281

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2018

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Research Paper

Impulsive Buying Behavior

Impulsive buying behavior is psychological and depends on the customer traits and other factors affecting customer decisions. Firms take advantage of this by using various strategies. The main focus of the work is on the usage of impulsive buying by the firms to promote sales. Also, different personality traits are also studied that influence impulsive buying. Some of the strategies used by a firm which are studied in this work are the placement of the product, store environment, etc. Also how marketers are using this concept in E-impulsive buying, by showing similar products as suggestions or ‘frequently bought together’. Customer buys the goods even when it might or might not be required by him/her. Plastic money is also one the factor that influences impulsive buying as with this problem of carrying enough cash is removed. Impulse buying is most of the times linked with happiness and joy but also considered to be related to negative emotions and a decrease in self-confidence. From a marketers point of view keeping the environment of the store in such a way that promotes impulsive buying is increasing customer loyalty. The relationship between these strategies used by firms and customer reactions are also studied. It is also said that technology does not create impulsive consumers but rather provide impulsive consumers more goods to buy and more and more options to choose from. Merchandising strategies like the positioning of the products and keeping a check on the customer’s shopping from the shop like checking a number of items purchased each time, frequency of coming to the store, etc.      

Published by: Nishant Arora, Yashvardhan Baheti, Kanika Bhatia

Author: Nishant Arora

Paper ID: V4I1-1280

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2018

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Research Paper

K-Pop and K-Dramas: A Billion Dollar Business

The paper demonstrates how the South Korean Pop music and TV-dramas have proven their mark around the globe. With the ever-growing popularity of these entertainment methods from Korea, they are not only topping music and tv charts but also evolving into a business worth billions of dollars and most importantly it looks sustainable with the innovation and disruption they are bringing into the world market.  

Published by: Muskan Jain, Kavira Mangu Mangu Nelly

Author: Muskan Jain

Paper ID: V4I1-1286

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2018

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Research Article

Arduino based 6DoF Robot using LabVIEW

This paper presents a development of a 6-axis robotic arm controller( i.e) Six degrees or axis of freedom (6DoF) refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional space. The each axis of the robot are been controlled using servo motor. The position of each axis can be derived from the Pulse Width modulated wave which are applied to each servo motor,at each and every axis. The controller is divided into two major parts namely power block and control block. Power block is carried out by the Arduino controller and the control block is carried out by labVIEW similarly control are been sent serially thought Arduino board to control the position of the servo motor

Published by: G. A Rathy, Aravind Balaji

Author: G. A Rathy

Paper ID: V4I1-1260

Paper Status: published

Published: January 29, 2018

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Research Paper

Confucianism and Changing Gender Roles

Confucianism in South Korea instills the concept of male superiority over women. Although the laws in South Korea establish women’s rights, the practice and norms of society still engender male domination. Korean family norms promote the unity of the family while placing women in a subservient position, the traditional culture requires obedience to a father and then to a husband and sons. Family norms also place the power of family decisions with husbands. Men keep contact politically and socially at village meetings and exchange use of resources and production. As women take on greater productive roles and earn income, their involvement in decision-making increases. Female power within the family has increased also due to increased women's education. Over that last three decades, these traditional views on gender roles influenced by Confucianism have changed drastically, although it is still looked down upon for women to work outside the house, it is slowly being accepted and almost 54% of the female population in South Korea is actively participating the workforce. On the other hand, the male domination over the woman of the house has eased out, and many men do help out with household chores and looking after children while the woman works. Although this is a very small percentage of the population, much lesser than would be desired, it is still a change from the Confucianist principles where the male remains dominant and authoritative. The expectation is that modernization will bring about its empowerment of women and a balance between men and women in both family and society. In the 21st century we try to understand how the roles of men and women have changed in this country that has deeply rooted beliefs of Confucius in their society. Confucianism in South Korea instills the concept of male superiority over women. Although the laws in South Korea establish women’s rights, the practice and norms of society still engender male domination. Korean family norms promote the unity of the family while placing women in a subservient position, the traditional culture requires obedience to a father and then to a husband and sons. Family norms also place the power of family decisions with husbands. Men keep contact politically and socially at village meetings and exchange use of resources and production. As women take on greater productive roles and earn income, their involvement in decision-making increases. Female power within the family has increased also due to increased women's education. Over that last three decades, these traditional views on gender roles influenced by Confucianism have changed drastically, although it is still looked down upon for women to work outside the house, it is slowly being accepted and almost 54% of the female population in South Korea is actively participating the workforce. On the other hand, the male domination over the woman of the house has eased out, and many men do help out with household chores and looking after children while the woman works. Although this is a very small percentage of the population, much lesser than would be desired, it is still a change from the Confucianist principles where the male remains dominant and authoritative. Although there are instances to prove that South Korea is coming out of its traditional views on gender roles, they are still far behind on gender equality when compared to globally desirable standards. The expectation is that modernization will bring about its empowerment of women and a balance between men and women in both family and society. In the 21st century, we try to understand how the roles of men and women have changed in this country that has deeply rooted beliefs of Confucius in their society.

Published by: Aanchal Midha, Savreen Kaur, Niveditha .S

Author: Aanchal Midha

Paper ID: V4I1-1270

Paper Status: published

Published: January 29, 2018

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