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Review Paper

Basic Minor and Major Ramifications of Service Quality in Retail Banking

Nowadays the quality plays a vital role at everyplace, whether it is a service quality or product quality. In this Journal I am focusing on the service quality, that how much it gives an impact on the customer’s loyalty and satisfaction towards the Retail banking. Sometime’s the perception of the customers tend to the public sector retail banking due to the trustworthiness apart from the private banks. The only thing which may develop a difference between these two Sectors is only a Service Quality. The Service quality revolves around the customer mind and that’s the time when any of these two banking sector’s put their positive or negative impact on the customer's attitude. There are numerable researchers which had done research work on the service quality which flashes the light on the basic and straightforward views which describes some of the causes that affect the Service Quality in Retail banking.

Published by: Dr. Manvinder Tandon, Amritpal Singh

Author: Dr. Manvinder Tandon

Paper ID: V4I1-1225

Paper Status: published

Published: January 18, 2018

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Research Paper

Data Mining Techniques in Prediction of Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, lifelong condition that affects the body's ability to use the energy found in food. The level of morbidity and mortality due to diabetes and its potential complications are enormous and pose significant healthcare burdens. It is a complex and time-consuming task in detecting the risk of acquiring diabetes mellitus when a large amount of data is manually processed in the clinical environment. The objective of this paper is to simplify the process of analyzing and detecting the risk of developing diabetes. Patients’ details are gathered and stored in the form of Electronic medical record (EMR). Association rule mining and decision tree induction are applied to the records stored, in order to obtain the set of rules that are to be satisfied. C4.5 or Support vector machine is used to classify the data set accordingly and summarization techniques are used to summarize resultant possibility of acquiring diabetes.

Published by: Omana .J, Sujithra .S, Vishali .S, Yuvashree .K

Author: Omana .J

Paper ID: V4I1-1191

Paper Status: published

Published: January 18, 2018

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Review Paper

Comparative Analysis of Controller Techniques Used in Doubly Fed Induction Generators in Wind Turbines

The interest in the variable speed wind turbines has increased due to their very attractive features. The fundamental feature of the DFIG is that the power processed by the power converter is only a fraction of the total wind turbine power, and therefore its size, cost and losses are much smaller compared to a full-scale power converter. The aim of the control strategy is usually to maximize the output power, maximize efficiency of energy conversion besides minimizing output power oscillations or minimizing wear of the mechanical components of the power plant, e.g., train drives, while maximizing the economic profit. Many different topologies have been proposed to achieve the desired speed control on wind generators. Among the various controllers considered based on classical control theory like PI controllers and nonlinear controllers based on Fuzzy logic PI controller using Fuzzy logic, Heuristic algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Swarm optimization and Sliding Mode controllers were compared. It has been observed that among various controllers the fully fuzzy scheme was best in terms of stabilization times and reduction in asymmetries. However from the tuning of PI controller the swarm optimization technique is best suited for optimizing the parameters of the controller.

Published by: Mohamed Samir, Dr. Gagan Singh

Author: Mohamed Samir

Paper ID: V4I1-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2018

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Review Paper

Impact of Motivation on Management Student’s Academic Performance in Relation to overall Advancement

Motivation plays a significant role in everything we do. Without motivation it would be hard for people to perform routine work, set an aim in life, work towards its accomplishment or even spend time with family and friends. Motivation is required at each phase of life and especially for students, it’s very important as it will show them the path to work, discipline their life and provide them zeal to accomplish their objectives. In this paper, we are discussing various parameters that affect student’s motivation and thus monitor their individual accountability. Student motivation affects every aspect of college life, from attendance to academic performance, to extra-curricular activities. Also, teachers have to establish a cooperative atmosphere in their work with a class, among the students, with their colleagues in school, with parents and also within the broader community. In today’s time, all the colleges are continuously under pressure to improve test scores, responsibility, and accountability. Because of these pressures, teachers bombard students with the promise of rewards; stickers for good presentations, appreciation for completing assignments and projects on time etc. Thus the importance of motivation has been stressed. Various research has been done in the subject in recent time and it is analyzed that motivation is one of the few factors that have an impact on everything we do and experience, for example with our work, family, friend and of course, the basic needs.

Published by: Shruti Srivastava

Author: Shruti Srivastava

Paper ID: V4I1-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2018

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Research Article

Trade Embargo by China on Singapore and Taiwan: An Economic War (A Hypothetical Situation)

This article gives an idea about the trade relations between the Asian Dragon, People Republic of China and its two neighbors, Singapore and Taiwan (Republic of China). The article gives a gist about the development of the two nations and the involvement of China in the process. Focusing on the economic boom that the four Asian dragons had in the late twentieth century and the early two thousand, a research has been done on the trade with Asian Giant, China and the two countries, Singapore and Taiwan which are two of the four Asian dragons. There are tensions in the South China Sea for a very long time; the expansionist policy of China is bringing a threat to the peace in the South Asian region. China is not in good conditions with the two nations as it was earlier. The economic growth of the two nations is also very good from the past few years. But both the countries are heavily dependent on China for raw materials, labor etc., The two Asian dragons are taking decisions that are against China when it comes to territory issues and also in some other international matters, hence the question arises as to What if China imposes embargo on these two nations, and the answer is here in the article.

Published by: J B Bhalacharan, Rahul bharatiya K

Author: J B Bhalacharan

Paper ID: V4I1-1205

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2018

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Survey Report

Security and Clustering Of Big Data in Map Reduce Framework: A Survey

For maintaining the authenticity, privacy and confidentiality of larger dataset are outsourced to the cloud in the encrypted format. Cloud storage provides data management and reduces the costs. Various clustering methods like K mean, K nearest neighbouring, DBSCAN clustering methods are implemented to cluster massive data that are related to each other using the map-reduce framework in big data analytics. Clustering was done on encrypted partitioned data in order to protect the information from the third party access. Various approaches have been used for securing and maintaining the efficiency and performance of millions of dataset with variety, velocity, and volume.

Published by: Anju Abraham, Shyma Kareem

Author: Anju Abraham

Paper ID: V4I1-1194

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2018

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