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Research Paper

Design of Flip-Flops for High Performance VLSI Applications Using Different CMOS Technology’s

In this paper low power, high-speed design of SET, DET, TSPC and C2CMOS Flip-Flop are designed and analyzed. As these flip-flops have a small area and low power consumption they can be used in various applications like digital VLSI clocking system, buffers, registers, microprocessors etc. The Flip-Flops are analyzed at 90nm technologies. The above designed Flip-Flops and Latches are compared in terms of its transistor count, power dissipation and propagation delay using DSCH and Micro wind tools. This project proposes low power high-speed design of flip-flops in which True Single-Phase Clocking (TSPC) and C2CMOS flip-flop compared with existing flip-flop topologies in term of its transistor count, power dissipation, propagation delay, parasitic values with the simulation results in micro wind.

Published by: Shillu Elsa Thomas

Author: Shillu Elsa Thomas

Paper ID: V4I1-1203

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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Review Paper

Underground Drainage Monitoring System Using IoT

India has announced a project of making 100 smart cities. For making a smart city one needs to consider many parameters such as smart water, smart electricity, smart transportation etc. There will be a need of smart underground infrastructure which includes underground water pipelines, communication cables, gas pipelines, electric flow, etc. As most of the cities in India have adopted underground drainage system, it is very important that this system should work in the proper manner to keep the city clean, safe and healthy. If they fail to maintain the drainage system the pure water may get contaminated with drainage water and can spread infectious diseases. So different kind of work has been done to detect, maintain and manage these underground systems. Also, leaks and bursts are unavoidable aspects of water distribution system management and can account for significant water loss within a distribution network if left undetected for long period. This project represents the implementation and design functions for monitoring and managing underground drainage system with different approaches. It also gives a description of water-wise system and detection method to detect leakage defects in sewer pipeline. Also, some part of condition rating model for underground Infrastructure Sustainable Water Mains and Intelligent system for underground pipeline assessment, rehabilitation and management are explained.

Published by: Yash Narale, Apurva Jogal, Himani Choudhary, S. P. Bhosale

Author: Yash Narale

Paper ID: V4I1-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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Research Paper

Fast Moving Consumer Goods Market in Rurban Bihar: A Fast Changing Landscape

India is an agro-based economy from the time immemorial. Though the contribution of agriculture and allied sectors in national GDP has been diminishing over the years, yet the biggest portion of the labor force is employed here. This has resulted in low disposable income at the hands of the farmers. Bihar being a primarily agrarian state and with the largest chunk of the youngest of the population provides huge customers base with very high aspirational values and immense market potential for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), but with very low purchasing power. This is an anomalous situation for a marketer. However, even with economics being at odds, the young generation with modern technology, having better information and capabilities provides an encouraging future prospect of FMCG market. The pattern of consumption of FMCG goods is surely northbound. This has led to the opening of many large format retail stores in almost all Rurban cities of Bihar. The increasing number of retail stores is creating a competitive challenge for retailers and consumers as well. In view of this, the retailers are focusing more on offering innovative products, customized services, which are suitable for specific customer needs. FMCG being the basic daily need products, the retailers will have to focus on understanding customer segments based on economic background, value, variety, and aspirations of the customer. This study finds that the key factors affecting consumption pattern of FMCG products in the rural-urban market of Bihar are hidden in value proposition and offering of everything that’s Lux but affordable.

Published by: Himanshu Shekhar Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Shukla

Author: Himanshu Shekhar Singh

Paper ID: V4I1-1206

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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Review Paper

Hybrid Wallace Tree Multiplier Using 4:2 Compressor in Carry Save Addition Mode

The multiplier is one of the important elements in most of the digital processing system such as FIR filters, digital signal processors, and microprocessors etc. The speed of a system depends upon how a faster an arithmetic operations are performed within the structure for which mostly multiplication should be carried out at a faster rate which thus improves the system performance. The two important parameters of a multiplier are its area and speed that are inversely proportional. Multipliers are of great significance in today’s Digital Signal processing applications like DFT, IDFT, FFT, IFFT, and ALU in Microprocessor.  Wallace tree multiplier along with a Ripple Carry adder is hybridized and formed a hybridized multiplier which delivers high-speed computation along with the reduction in power consumption. Here, Wallace tree multiplier is used to increase the speed of addition and a Ripple Carry Adder is used for final accumulation. This hybrid multiplier produces better results in terms of speed and power than the conventional designs. The proposed circuit is designed and the results are discussed in the paper. This proposed work is evaluated in the basic area, power, and delay.

Published by: Ankur Katkar, Sunil Kuntawar, Vijay Roy

Author: Ankur Katkar

Paper ID: V4I1-1204

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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Review Paper

Catercam- A Sliding Camera Mechanism Using Gimbal Assembly

In the current era of 21st century technocrats focus on building more efficient, compact, power efficient and cheap substitute for technology presently used. A CCTV camera is a widely used product for surveillance, but many times just to cover a small area it is required to have more than one camera at the same place viz. a parking space which requires 180 degrees coverage or a ‘U’ shaped road requires at least two cameras to have a complete footage of the sector area. Similarly for recording a remote area which is seldom used. Furthermore, in some areas cameras are installed to work for just a small amount of time for viz. CCTV in the classroom to check how many students were present in the class. Adapting this technology will reduce the number of camera units used in a particular area, work of maintenance department and moreover a huge amount of energy is saved which can be utilized for villages where people face scarcity of electrical energy.

Published by: Kashyap Kirtikar, Shubham Ghodke, Atharva Shirode, Vismita Nagrale

Author: Kashyap Kirtikar

Paper ID: V4I1-1202

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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Review Paper

Making of Two South Korean Chaebols: Samsung and Hyundai

The management system of South Korean companies has been influenced by their traditional beliefs and values of Confucianism bought up by Chinese in the 15th century. Yet, this Confucius management style was shifted to western style after the Asian financial crisis of 1997. Few prominent conglomerate led to the growth of South Korea from developing the country to one the wealthiest country in the world. This paper aims to evaluate this management transition in two major South Korean companies i.e. Samsung and Hyundai. This paper shows how management system changed in South Korea in five main major vectors: (A) Decision-making style, (B) shift to corporate governance, (c) change in performance management, (D) corporate social responsibility, (E) government intervention and support

Published by: Hardik Jain , Shantanu Kaushik

Author: Hardik Jain

Paper ID: V4I1-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: January 15, 2018

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