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Evolutionary Algorithms Based Optimization of PID Controller for Hybrid Renewable Energy System

In these paper, Optimum design of PID Controller for Hybrid Wind/PV system is demonstrated considering the meteorological Data of solar radiation and wind speed from NASA surface and solar energy database of Hospet has been taken (latitude  15.54°N and longitude 74.48°E).Around 160 family or approx. 1 village community electricity consumption data has been taken thereby using the HOMER Software simulation has been carried out to find the Best Hybrid system in Hospet comparing the economic advantages like cost, payback period and other economic factors.It finds that Cost Reduction is around 70% compared to Conventional Energy source.But due to Non-linear Power generation and Load side variation, usage of Hybrid power system became very less. So, In order to avoid the above, we came up with Energy Management system(EMS), where the PID Parameters are used for controlling the EMS charging and discharging. Here the PID Controller is tuned through different Evolutionary Algorithm approaches like Genetic Algorithm(GA), Hyper-Spherical Search(HSS), Flower Pollination Algorithm(FPA) and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO).Hybrid System like Wind/PV is modeled in Simulink and algorithms is implemented in Matlab. Finally, all the above algorithms are computed based on Objective Function Value, Rise time, Settling time and Overshoot and it is validated that HSS algorithm is best compared to all other algorithms.

Published by: Sampathkumar V. Patil, Dr. S. B Shivakumar

Author: Sampathkumar V. Patil

Paper ID: V3I6-1509

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2017

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Research Paper

Database Security Technique with Database Cache

Today people are depending more on the corporate data for decision making, management of customer service and supply chain management etc. Any loss, corrupted data or unavailability of data may seriously affect its performance. The database security should provide protected access to the contents of a database and should preserve the integrity, availability, consistency, and quality of the data In this paper, we analyze and compare five traditional architectures for database encryption. We show that existing architectures may provide a high level of security, but have a significant impact on performance and impose major changes to the application layer, or may be transparent to the application layer and provide high performance, but have several fundamental security weaknesses. We suggest a sixth novel architecture that was not considered before. The new architecture is based on placing the encryption module inside the database management software (DBMS), just above the database cache, and using a dedicated technique to encrypt each database value together with its coordinates.

Published by: Rashmi Parab, Nilima Nikam

Author: Rashmi Parab

Paper ID: V3I6-1503

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2017

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Review Paper

Effect of Angle of Repose of Aggregate on Strength of Bituminous Mix

The major constituent of the bituminous mix is aggregated. The characteristics of the bituminous mix are mainly affected by properties of aggregates. The angle of repose of aggregates of different sizes and sources have been designed in the present study. Further, an attempt has been made to study the effect of angle of repose to the strength of bituminous mix. Indirect tensile strength has been used as the measure of the strength of bituminous mix, subsequently, the statistical relationship has been proposed between the overall angle of repose of the aggregates used in the bituminous mix to its indirect tensile strength.

Published by: Mohd Talib, Mohd Salman, Mohd Sharfuddin, Mohd Sharib, Maaz Allah Khan

Author: Mohd Talib

Paper ID: V3I6-1392

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2017

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Research Paper

IOT based Home Automation System for Electricity Usage

One of the important scientific discovery of all time is of electricity. Electricity has many uses in our day to day life and provides comfort to people. The existing system for Electricity meter reading has many drawbacks such as real-time data is not available, huge human resource requirement, difficulty in construction etc. This research proposes an IOT based system to overcome above drawbacks and provide additional benefits. The proposed system uses Arduino microcontroller, to read the no of units consumed by electrical appliances. These data are then sent to a remote server using Ethernet shield. At the user end, an android application is created which allows the user to fetch data in real time and represent it graphically. In an effort to overcome the energy crisis, these systems send an SMS to the user when his/her home electricity usage crosses a threshold. To notify the user about his daily electricity usage a notification will be sent to the Android application every day. The above system has been designed to overcome drawbacks of the existing system, ease of accessing real-time data and to reduce energy crisis.

Published by: Swapnil Talkar, Ruhi Bajaj

Author: Swapnil Talkar

Paper ID: V3I6-1502

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2017

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Review Article

Radio Mean D-distance Number of Banana Tree, Thorn Star and Cone Graph

A Radio Mean D-distance labeling of a connected graph G is an injective map f from the vertex set V(G) to N such that for two distinct vertices u and v of G, dD(u, v) + ⌈(f(u)+f(v))/2⌉ ≥ 1 + diamD(G), where dD(u, v) denotes the D-distance between u and v and diamD(G) denotes the D-diameter of G. The radio mean D-distance number of f, rmnD(f) is the maximum label assigned to any vertex of G. The radio mean D-distance number of G, rmnD(G) is the minimum value of rmnD(f) taken over all radio mean D-distance labeling f of G. In this paper we find the radio mean D-distance number of banana tree, thorn star and cone graph.

Published by: K. John Bosco, T. Nicholas, M. Antony, V. Viola

Author: K. John Bosco

Paper ID: V3I6-1476

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2017

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Research Paper

Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible Access Control in Cloud Computing

Cloud storage enables users to remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high-quality cloud applications without the burden of local hardware and software management. Though the benefits are clear, such a service is also relinquishing users’ physical possession of their outsourced data, which inevitably poses new security risks towards the correctness of the data in the cloud. In order to address this new problem and further achieve a secure and dependable cloud storage service, we propose in this paper We develop a new cryptosystem for fine-grained sharing of encrypted data that we call Key-Policy Attribute- Based Encryption (KP-ABE). In our cryptosystem, ciphertexts are labeled with sets of attributes and private keys are associated with access structures that control which ciphertexts a user is able to decrypt. Attribute- based encryption (ABE) has been envisioned as a promising cryptographic primitive for realizing secure and flexible access control. HASBE extends the ASBE algorithm with a hierarchical structure to improve scalability and flexibility while at the same time inherits the feature of fine-grained access control of ASBE.

Published by: Sadaf Shaikh, Dipti Patil

Author: Sadaf Shaikh

Paper ID: V3I6-1505

Paper Status: published

Published: December 29, 2017

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