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Research Paper

The Comparative Study of Social Maturity among Yog Students of Master Degree

The present study examined Social Maturity among Male and Female Master Degree Yog Students. The study was confined to 100 male and female students of M.Sc. and M.A. students of Master Degree Yog of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. The comprehensive scale of Social Maturity prepared by Roma Pal was used. The reliability was calculated which were 0.834 and 0.793 respectively; validity was 0.831. After the analysis of the result, it was found that all Master Degree Yog students are social mature whether they belong to M.Sc. and M.A groups, there is no significant difference in the social maturity level among female M.A and M.Sc. students. There is no significant difference in the social maturity level among male M.A and M.Sc. students; among male and female M.Sc. students; among male and female M.A students. It was observed that there is no significant difference in the social maturity level among male and female students.

Published by: Manoranjan Tripathy

Author: Manoranjan Tripathy

Paper ID: V3I6-1453

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2017

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Research Paper

Cyber Crime: A Potential Threat and Remedies

Cybercrime is an illegal activity performed by an individual or by a group of experts in computer technology using the Internet. It ranges from stealing money online from an individual to big corporate using the internet. In the present era of information technology, the computer has made the life easy. People use computer or mobile to perform various jobs on the Internet. So it is necessary to know how to perform various transactions on the internet safely. Everyone is prone to the attack from the cybercriminals. One must be aware and should have knowledge of cybercrime.

Published by: Dr. Nitan S. Kotwal

Author: Dr. Nitan S. Kotwal

Paper ID: V3I6-1460

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2017

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Case Study

A Study on Periyar and Vethathiri Mahsrishi’s Perspectives on Women

“Being bestowed birth in human form is one of the rarest” As the renowned Tamil poet Ouvaiyar rightly said being born as a human being itself is an act of wonder. Yet the human community for numerous years lived just like other animals. Over the ages with rational thinking man embarked on a transformative phase. Hence there mushroomed many clans and each of these clans were later referred to as an individual society, But in this societal set-up some unwritten rules and written laws were created in the name of culture and people of the respective society were bound by them. This led to utter confusion. Our ancestors left no stone unturned in their efforts to get rid of these confusions in the society. We call this as reformation. Reformation implies restoring the order which involved plugging the holes that were left unchecked. This noble initiative of reforming is what drove Periyar and Maharishi. They waged a silent war against this domineering group of people and emerged victoriously. Periyar chose the path of agitation and Maharishi the path of non-violence in their attempts to facilitate individual freedom and liberty of women. The aim of this paper is to research on their views and efforts. This essay will deal with a portion of this paper which involves a discussion on the reasons behind women enslavement and the reforms these stalwarts have made.

Published by: K. Sumathi, Dr. G. R Valliammal

Author: K. Sumathi

Paper ID: V3I6-1461

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2017

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Research Paper

Isolation of Serratia Liquefaciens as Metal Resistant Bacteria from Industrial Effluent

Sample from industry effluent consists of various metal like lead, zinc, copper, silver, mercury etc. The growth of microorganisms is affected by various factors like temperature, ph, salinity etc. In some cases there are some  microorganisms which can tolerate the presence of metal like lead, zinc, copper, silver, mercury etc, Presence of these metal is analysed  by atomic absorption spectrometry method, present study deals with  isolation of Serratia liquefaciens is done by various biochemical characteristics, various parameter analysis, culturing of Serratia   liquefaciens in the bacterial growth medium which consist of artificially supplemented with metal. From the study, it is confirmed that Serratia liquefaciens  is present in the polluted water where metal dust persists in the effluent sample. Serratia   liquefaciens were resistant to metal and these microorganisms are further encouraged to degrade metal in the sample

Published by: R. Ramya, Dr. M. Boominathan

Author: R. Ramya

Paper ID: V3I6-1445

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2017

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Review Paper

Recent Developments on Photocatalytic water Splitting using Semiconductors for Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen fuel has gained heed in the recent years as fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources of fuels are fast depleting. Hydrogen has been contemplated to be a prospective source of an alternative fuel, predominantly if it can be produced from a renewable and sustainable source such as water. Methods such as photocatalytic water splitting are arguably one of the simple methods to produce clean, green and renewable energy by disassociating water into H(hydrogen) and O2 (oxygen) using catalyst and sunlight. Numerous techniques have been developed to improve photocatalytic activity in materials such as TiO2. This paper describes the recent progress, state of art and the future challenges in photocatalytic water splitting.

Published by: Bhargavi Radhakrishnan, Dr. M. Thirumarimurugan, Dr. R. Azarudeen

Author: Bhargavi Radhakrishnan

Paper ID: V3I6-1456

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2017

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Research Article

Proficient Analysis of Mining Big Data Using Map Reduce Framework

Information now streams from everyday life from telephones and charge cards and TVs and PCs; from the framework of urban areas from sensor-prepared structures, trains, transports, planes, extensions, and production lines. The information stream so quick that the aggregate gathering of the previous two years is currently a zettabyte. This colossal volume of information is known as large information. Huge Data alludes to advancements and activities that include information that is excessively various, quick-changing or gigantic for traditional advances, aptitudes, and framework to address productively. Said in an unexpected way, the volume, speed or assortment of information is excessively extraordinary. The volume of information with the speed it is created makes it troublesome for the present processing foundation to deal with enormous information. To conquer this downside, enormous information handling can be performed through a programming worldview known as MapReduce. Commonplace, execution of the MapReduce worldview requires arranged connected stockpiling and parallel preparing. Hadoop and HDFS by Apache are generally utilized for putting away and overseeing huge information. In this exploration paper, the creators recommend different strategies for taking into account the issues close by through MapReduce structure over HDFS. MapReduce strategy has been learned at in this paper which is required for actualizing Big Information examination utilizing HDFS and minimize time.

Published by: Ajinkya Molke

Author: Ajinkya Molke

Paper ID: V3I6-1459

Paper Status: published

Published: December 23, 2017

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