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Review Paper

Technique to Stabilize Inorganic and Colloidal Particle Present In Raw Water

Techniques and various kinds of methods are used for stabilizing the contents like mineral and another organic compound which are present in the water need to be removed through this process which is performed. Raw water which is also a pure form of water needs to be stabilized through a various process which can be made safe for consumption.

Published by: Umakant, Mirza Mohsin Beg, Abdullah Khan, Samshad Khan, Maaz Allah Khan

Author: Umakant

Paper ID: V3I6-1329

Paper Status: published

Published: November 30, 2017

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Review Paper

Uncertainty Quantification and Reliability analysis of CMIP5 Projections for the Indian Summer Monsoon

A reliable Ensemble Averaging(REA) is a proposed technique which provides an estimate of Associated Uncertainty Range and Reliability of future climate change projections for Indian summer monsoon (June- September), stimulated by the state of the art Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCMs) under Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5). An evaluation of historical as well as future (RCP4.5 scenario) simulations often CGCMs in the REA technique projects a mean monsoon warming of 1.215 0 C with an associated uncertainty range () of 0.22 0 C, and an all-India precipitation increase by 7.109 mm/ the month with an associated uncertainty ((P) of 2.592 mm/month for 2021–2050. REA technique also shows a considerable reduction in the uncertainty range compared with the simple average ensemble approach and is characterized by consistently high-reliability index in a comparative study with individual CGCMs. The results suggest achievability of REA methodology in constituting the realistic future Indian Monsoon Projections by preparing a performance model and a descriptive confluence criteria.

Published by: Humaid Zahid Siddiqui, Mohd Rizwan Ansari, Harendra Chauhan, Mohd Abusad Khan, Maaz Allah Khan

Author: Humaid Zahid Siddiqui

Paper ID: V3I6-1328

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2017

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Research Paper

Food Sustainability

Food is life and the global food sustainability is essential to human being survival. The global food system is highly complex and is driven by various factors including environment, cultural, social and economic drive. It is vital to understand these drivers and their interaction in order to help to improve the public food sustainability policies. Global policies and projects desperately required in order improving the global food sustainability. Food sustainability is one of the unsolved global issues and great commitment is required starting from global policymakers, national governments, and every individual home. This research paper includes analysis and study of various elements such as global change science, policy, food crisis, factor affecting and challenging food security, data on status and future projection and potential ways of solving problems.

Published by: Chandran Ilango

Author: Chandran Ilango

Paper ID: V3I6-1289

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2017

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Review Paper

A Study on the Plastic Waste Treatment Methods for Road Construction

Plastic found in different forms is almost 5% amongst municipal solid waste, which can prove to be toxic in nature. It is a common sight in both urban and rural areas to find empty plastic bags and another type of plastic packing material littering the roads as well as drains. Due to its biodegradability, it creates stagnation of water and associated hygiene problems. In order to contain this problem experiments have been carried out whether this waste plastic can be reused productively in the construction of roads. The experimentation at several institutes indicated that the waste plastic, when added to hot aggregate will form a fine coat of plastic over the aggregate and such aggregate, when mixed with the binder is found to give higher strength, higher resistance to water and better performance over a period of time. Therefore, it is proposed that we may use waste plastic in the construction of Rural Roads.

Published by: Raghvendra Bajpai, Maaz Allah Khan, Osama Bin Sami, Pramod Kumar Yadav, Pawan Kumar Srivastava

Author: Raghvendra Bajpai

Paper ID: V3I6-1323

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2017

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Research Paper

Characterization and Quantization of Solid Waste in Ganga Villages of Haridwar

One of the most emerging challenges of the modern world of rapid urbanization is management and disposal of solid waste. Solid waste is generated from each and every household of the society so it is one of the most important aspects to consider for the management and disposal factors of generated waste. About 47% of world’s population (3.31 billion) and 68.84% (0.83308 billion) of India’s population resides in rural areas. The results showed that average daily per capita of household waste and cattle waste generation is 0.18, 18 kg/cap-day respectively. The main portion of household solid waste is organic and bio-degradable which is around 75% and remaining fraction comprise of paper, polyethene, plastics, textiles, rubber, glass, metal and inert are 6.62, 2.45, 0.89, 2.57, 0.32, 0.42, 0.41 and 5.26 in percentage respectively. The bulk density of household and cattle waste is 310.33 kg/m3, 805.076 kg/m3 respectively. The physical composition of household waste is moisture content, ash content, organic content is 83%, 31%, and 69% respectively and chemical characteristics (food and organic fraction) of the generated waste including the amount of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus is 1.74, 0.34, and 0.7 % respectively. Heavy metals in the waste were found to be in the very trace amount, so no further treatment is required. As the above results show that the bigger part of the solid waste generated in studied areas is organic and bio-degradable and most suitable techniques for this type of waste are composting and bio-methanation. For further treatment, this waste can be composted and used as fertilizer in agricultural fields and another way to deal with this waste is installation of biogas plant in which methane can be produced and the remaining slurry can be converted in to nutrient-rich compost for agricultural purpose to minimize the chemical fertilizer application especially in the agricultural field nearby the river. Finally, 100% of the solid waste has been utilized and its useful by-products are bio-gas and fertilizer generation, creating a win-win situation.

Published by: Pankaj Mandawat

Author: Pankaj Mandawat

Paper ID: V3I6-1311

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2017

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Research Paper

Role of Internet in Contemporary Architectural Pedagogy

The growth of technology has advanced each and every scenario in the field of the profession as well as in education. Innovation took place with the growth of the economy and another governing factor. • Our basic approach in this research would be practically defining some prospects in the field of pedagogy related to architecture and how architectural education evolved in many ways. • Pedagogical skills improvised from one generation to another which brings changes to the education. • It has been developed in a way scope of innovation with the help of innovation and technology is possible.this dissertation will be related to the architecture. • How the pedagogy is changing day by day, what is its impact on students does it a process of learning and experience the share the of the teaching and learning environment. • I would be able to express my views about architectural pedagogy should be done and what innovations it needs. • To enhance the teaching and learning environment huge exercise to be done. Means the proper set up of curriculum and management because without that the improvisation will not be as well as executed in an efficient manner. • Architecture is the study that covers practical and theoretical aspects of teaching. • Pedagogy covers many topics which are related or studied via the internet, not by any other means. Internet incorporates many things, related to architecture in the form of art, design, interior. • Architecture doesn’t exist in isolation. It exists in the context of people, place, period and philosophy.They are very distinctive on their own.

Published by: Ar. Namita Kathuria

Author: Ar. Namita Kathuria

Paper ID: V3I6-1303

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2017

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