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Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics

Attack graph security metrics used for providing the security to the network .We proposed mainly three algorithms those are Shortest path metrics, Number of paths metrics and mean of path length metrics. These three techniques is mostly used for example where the earthquakes or volcanos can occur. In our work we are findings the hotspots areas or sensing the hotspot points from the large geographical areas where the volcanos or earthquakes may be occurred in future and these three algorithms providing the security to that area so that we can avoid the volcanos or earthquakes. But attack graph security metrics used for aggregating the result of those three security metrics and provide the more security.

Published by: Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B

Author: Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath

Paper ID: V3I5-1254

Paper Status: published

Published: October 17, 2017

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Review Paper

A Review on Security to Network using Security Metrics and Multisink Timestamp

The emergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be considered one of the most important revolutions in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of WSN applications such as surveillance systems, battleground applications, object tracking, habitat monitoring, forest fire detection and patient monitoring. Due to limitations of sensor nodes in terms of energy, storage and computational ability, many security issues have arisen in such applications. As a result, many solutions and approaches have been proposed for different attacks and vulnerabilities to achieve security requirements. This paper surveys different security approaches for WSNs, examining various types of attacks and corresponding techniques for tackling these. We use multisink timestamp and attack graph based metrics. Multsink Timestamp technique finding out the attacking or sensing the attacking points among all networks in small period of time.For e.g. the large geographical areas where the volcanos or earthquakes may be occurred in future and these techniques finding out those areas provides the security to that area so that we can avoid the volcanos or earthquakes. For finding out the attacks in network we usea three methods Normalized Mean of Path Lengths Metric, Standard Deviation of Path Lengths Metric, Mean of Path Lengths Metric.These three metrics creates clusters of all networks and finding out only the attacking networks. The paper suggests an approach to network attack modeling and security evaluation which is realized in advanced Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. It is based on modeling of computer network and malefactors’ behaviors, building attack graphs, processing current alerts for real-time adjusting of particular attack graphs, calculating different security metrics and providing security assessment procedures. Increasing inclination of people to use software systems for most of the purposes comes a major challenge for software Engineers the engineering of secure software systems. The concept of computer Security is being heavily researched and this perfectly makes sense in a world where e-commerce and e governance are becoming the norms of the day. Along with their potential for making life easier and smarter for people, these systems also carry with them the danger of insecurity. Because any software system is an outcome of some software engineering process it makes sense to incorporate security considerations during the software engineering processes. We use the attack based graph to provide the security to network. For that purpose we use the shortest path metric, the Number of Paths metric, and the Mean of Path Lengths metric are three attack graph-based security metrics that can extract security relevant information. The metric and the Mean of Path Lengths metric fail in the number of ways an attacker may violate a security policy. The Number of Paths metric fails to adequately account for the attack effort associated with the attack paths. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a complimentary suite of attack graph-based security metrics and specify an algorithm for combining the usage of these metrics. Attack graph can provide clues for the network defender on how an attacker exploits the vulnerability on the network to achieve goals. System administrators use attack graph to determine how vulnerable their systems and to determine what security measures are used to maintain their systems. In a network of large and complex organizations, securing a network is a very challenging task. Attack graphs are very important in the effort to secure the network, because it can directly indicate the presence of vulnerabilities in network and how attackers use the vulnerabilities to implement an effective attack. In this paper, we will describe some very good algorithms can be used to generate the attack graph.

Published by: Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Dhainje Prakash .B

Author: Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath

Paper ID: V3I5-1260

Paper Status: published

Published: October 16, 2017

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Research Paper

Power Quality Improvement and Harmonic Mitigation by Using D-Statcom

The main impact in the power distribution system is the quality of power, which causes more distortion in the source due to using nonlinear load. The main cause for distortion is harmonics, and interharmonics. Thus it is necessary to control the harmonics to improve the power quality of the system. There are number of control techniques to improve the power quality with the FACTS devices. In this paper performance of Distribution Static Compensator (D-STAT COM) for Power Quality improvement has been studied. The simulation is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.

Published by: Soujanya Mekala

Author: Soujanya Mekala

Paper ID: V3I5-1258

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2017

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Research Paper

Passive and Active Technology Used in Zero Energy Building

Global warming is a major issue facing by the world today and in future. Keeping in mind the end goal to stop or resolve this issue, society must change through learning and being ready of what they use so as to be less destructive in nature. Making building zero vitality would have a more noteworthy effect in settling this issue and making earth more manageable likewise inspire the monetary development. It would not just take care of the issue rather the customer or the client would be profited in different ways, as enhanced personal satisfaction, inhabitant wellbeing, comfort, chop down vitality utilization, spare cash and thus improving the neighborhood biology. The paper goes for giving the different viewpoints and systems by featuring these advantages, and encouraging a development confirm base, henceforth making the world a sheltered and better place to live.

Published by: Deepshikha Bhagat, Ar. Ashish Sharma

Author: Deepshikha Bhagat

Paper ID: V3I5-1251

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2017

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Research Paper

Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Compound from Bacillus Megaterium from South East Coastal Region of India against Human Dental Caries

Periodically, marine bacteria are producer of secondary metabolites in the harsh ocean. In this present study, a marine bacterium was isolated from marine cone snail in the Gulf of Mannar. The potential isolates was tested for various biochemical test and 16Sr RNA gene sequencing, which leads to their identification as Bacillus megaterium producing antibiotic compound for treating human diseases. Further, the selected isolates were cultured, purified and screened for antimicrobial activity against a battery of decay causing cariogenic pathogen Lactobacillus acidophilus. This pathogen were identified and analysed by Pg and Research Department of Zoology, Division of Microbial Technology, Chikkanna Govt. Arts College, Tirupur, collected from Fenn Dental Clinic in Tirupur District. Among these, 16 isolates exhibited strong bactericidal properties against tested pathogen Lactobacillus acidophilus. One promising strain, designated as MTBMVG07, with strong antimicrobial activity against cariogenic pathogen.

Published by: S. Vijayalakshmi, S. Rajasekar, A. Mohankumar

Author: S. Vijayalakshmi

Paper ID: V3I5-1208

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2017

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Review Paper

Application of Operations Research in Agriculture

Application of Operations Research in the field of agriculture has been the theme of the study. Operations Research can be applied to the agricultural sector via day to day decisions such as choosing a feed combination for animals, management of agricultural process right from sowing seed to selling of produce in the market, predicting the risk of nature and safeguarding costs etc. For these applications various techniques come handy, as the purview of the study has to be limited, we have explained 4 major technique that can be used for farm management in order to garner profits and maintain efficiency. The 4 major techniques are; Linear programming, Game theory, Network analysis and Waiting line theory.

Published by: Aakanksha Bhatt, Aarti Multani, Aditi Agarwal, Aditi Joshi

Author: Aakanksha Bhatt

Paper ID: V3I5-1233

Paper Status: published

Published: October 13, 2017

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