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CFD Based Quantification of Aerodynamic Performance of an Automotive With Roof Dimples

The impact of aerodynamics on vehicle performance has gained greater importance in the modern days. The effecst of drag and lift forces on automotives have been well accounted for and engineers are relentlessly working on minimising the negative implications of these aerodynamic forces. The dimples on golf balls have been proven to reduce drag and are given credit for a golf ball’s longer flight. The use of dimples to reduce drag has often inspired many aerodynamists and this research aims to quantify the drag and lift forces on an automotive with dimples on its roof. A wide range of dimple ratios, arrangements and velocities have been taken into consideration and successful reduction in drag and lift coefficients has been reported.

Published by: Akshay Ashok Kumar

Author: Akshay Ashok Kumar

Paper ID: V3I5-1198

Paper Status: published

Published: September 26, 2017

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Research Paper

Influence of Age and Gender on Interpupilary Distance and Comparison of Pd Ruler and Auto Refractrometer Values of Interpupilary Distance

Information about the normal values of interpupilary distance (IPD) for particular age group, gender and ethnic background has important clinical implications. Normative values of IPD could be useful in the diagnosis of certain syndromes and also in surgery after facial trauma. Our main aim to carrying out this study was to find out the effect of gender and age on interpupilary distance in total study sample of 30 subjects within the age limit of 15 to 60 years and IPD measurements were compared taken with two different instruments i.e. PD ruler and auto refractrometer. Data was collected using descriptive cross sectional study at Ophthalmology Department at Medina Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad. Proper room for examination with all instruments that were used in study was chosen after history taking. With torch light we examined that the pupil is round, regular and reactive. Then IPD values were measured using a millimeter PD ruler and auto refractrometer. Our study results show that gender has an effect on IPD measurements and also that males have 3mm wider papillary distance than females. Our study subjects were divided into 3 age groups and IPD in younger age (15-30 years) group keep on increasing, after wards it remains constant. And another objective of our study was to compare IPD values with different instruments i.e. PD ruler and auto refractrometer used and results are significant. It is suggested that IPD should be an integral part of eye examination to avoid any future intolerance of spectacles and asthenopic symptoms.

Published by: Zakia Batool, Dr. Waqas Mahmood, Umar Waqas Khan

Author: Zakia Batool

Paper ID: V3I5-1173

Paper Status: published

Published: September 26, 2017

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Research Paper

Use of Demolished Waste in Partial Replacement Of Course Aggregate With Concrete

There is Associate in Nursing outsized amount of demolished waste generated annually in Republic of Asian country and various developing countries. Since very little bit of this waste is recycled or reused. So, disposing this waste is also a really major drawback as a results of it desires Associate in Nursing outsized amount of house. For the study seven, fourteen and twenty eight days compressive strengths were recorded.

Published by: Akash Chandra, Sri Hari Reddy, Gokulnath.V

Author: Akash Chandra

Paper ID: V3I5-1193

Paper Status: published

Published: September 26, 2017

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Research Paper

A Comparative Study of Surgically Induced Astigmatism in Superior, Supero-Temporal and Temporal Incision in Small Incision Cataract Surgery

The eye is the window of the human body through which it feels its way and enjoys the beauty of the world. With all the possible modalities of cataract surgery, we try to give a normal vision. But Surgically Induced Astigmatism (SIA) is one of the causes of a poor quality of vision. We have studied SIA in 3 different sites of incision in Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS). AIM: To compare between the surgically induced astigmatism(SIA) in small incision cataract surgery(SICS) by superior incision , temporal incision and supero-temporal incision. Materials and methods: Three hundred patients were studied. The patients were randomly assigned to any of three groups. The three groups had 100 patients each. The patients in group A underwent manual SICS with a superior incision, the patients in group B underwent manual SICS with a supero-temporal incision and the patients in group C underwent manual SICS with a temporal incision. The patients were examined on the postoperative days 1 and 7,1 month and 6 weeks. The uncorrected and the best-corrected visual acuity was recorded and a slit-lamp examination and auto-refracto-meter and keratometry examinations were also done. Statistics: All the calculations were performed by using vector analysis method. Statistical analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics using Chi square test, One way ANOVA and Multiple comparison Tukey Test. Results: The mean SIA in group A was found to be 1.32± 0.97, in group B, it was 1.03± 0.75 and in group C, it was 1.00±0.60 . The p-value accordingly was < 0.001, which was highly significant. Conclusion: SICS which is done with a temporal and a supero-temporal approach provides a better quality of vision due to a significantly less SIA than the superior approach.

Published by: Dr. Madhumita Prasad, Dr. Sachin Daigavane

Author: Dr. Madhumita Prasad

Paper ID: V3I5-1156

Paper Status: published

Published: September 22, 2017

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Research Paper

A Study of Performance Appraisal at IBM, Bangalore

In this study the operative function in the human resource department are analyzed with respect to performance evaluation system of the company. Performance appraisal system is considered as a significant tool in all organizations for achieving goals effectively and efficiently. The study recommends the need to ensure fairness so that it does not demotivate an employee or have a negative impact on goal accomplishment. The findings revealed that the company has a very well designed Performance appraisal system, which involves feedback as well as reward system and the employees, are satisfied with the existing Performance appraisal system. But, more efforts are to be made to make the approach more effective to ensure increased productivity and high morale among the employees, which would lead to further growth of the company in all respects.

Published by: Sruchita Maheswari Rath

Author: Sruchita Maheswari Rath

Paper ID: V3I5-1137

Paper Status: published

Published: September 22, 2017

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Research Paper

The Impact of Nitric Oxide (No) On the Biological System

As very earlier it has been discussed that Nitric Oxide are basic requirement of human life, hence it is our prime duty to save them to avoid the disturbance of biological system .This molecule is involved in the regulation of plant growth and development ,pathogens defense and abiotic stress responses .NO is rapidly induced potent plant growth regulator .In the present work the compounds were synthesized by transition elements of VI group using different standard procedures and carried out to study the effect on biological system. As a result it was found that some transition elements are very useful to prevent the infectious disease

Published by: Vijaya Dubey

Author: Vijaya Dubey

Paper ID: V3I5-1178

Paper Status: published

Published: September 22, 2017

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