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Review Paper

Review on Methods of Self Balancing of Two Inline Wheels

Self-balancing of two inline wheels has been a problem for many years for researchers and engineers. Many attempts have been successfully made to achieve self-balancing in two wheelers by using gyroscope. This paper illustrates on different techniques of gyroscopic stabilization in a two inline wheels system & some of the recent modern technology to achieve self -balancing in two wheelers. The factors which affects balancing are mass distribution, centre of mass of system, steering of vehicle towards left or right, acceleration & most importantly gyroscopic effect. Most of the projects are based on balancing by using reaction wheel or flywheel which uses sensors along with PID controller, some other sensors such as Control Moment Gyro (CMG) are also being developed & used for analysis. Some projects include concept of gyrowheel which use precession to avoid misbalancing. We have also studied various models of self- balancing where researchers did not use gyroscopic effect. Hondas Riding assist bike incorporating advanced robotics is an example of such system.

Published by: Chetan Rane, Bharat Kasar, Akul Ghormade, Rajmohammed Kasmani, Aniruddha Foka

Author: Chetan Rane

Paper ID: V3I5-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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Defamation and Newspapers -The Right to Privacy

With the growing number of reader ship as well as newspapers and their district editions coupled with improved transportation facility the newspaper industry has seen a sea change in its circulation, commercial advertisement and other aspects. At this out set it has become imperative for looking at the content that is being published in the vernacular languages’ particularly district tabloids. I made a brief and quick survey in erstwhile four northern Telangana Districts, as to the qualification and standards of the reporters / contributors / stringers. Generally, only one person who is working as district head is having university degrees or certification from journalism school. Occasionally this in charge is assisted by another qualified person. In most of the cases the remaining staff is drop-outs from colleges or pursuing education privately and working for newspaper. The payment of wages and other emoluments are dependent not only on the length of the news but also strength (?) i.e., the sensation it has created. The news from such sensational stringers etc., have had precedence over others. This aspect is also seen from the advertisement revenue being mopped up by the particular contributor.

Published by: Pathuri Venkata Subrahmanyam

Author: Pathuri Venkata Subrahmanyam

Paper ID: V3I5-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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Research Paper

Automatic Solar Tracker With Pre Installed Panel Cleaner

With the forthcoming drought of Non-renewable resources, people are considering to use alternate sources of energy. Solar energy is one such form , it is swiftly attaining centre stage as an important means of amplifying renewable energy resources. So it vital to those in engineering field to understand the technologies associated with this area & design new ideas. The proposed system tracks the sun’s movement and tries to maintain the solar panel perpendicular to sun rays, ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight is incident on the panel. This is better than the fixed solar panel, where the panel is fixed and can’t track the transition of the sun from east to west, hence generating optimum energy. This proposed system solves the problem by arrangement for the solar panel to track the sun. The idea in which this paper is unique is that with the solar tracker, the system also includes an automated solar panel cleaning robot. A big issue which is often overlooked too easily is keeping the panel clean. After installation of the panel it is often difficult & dangerous to reach the panels. Also if done manually, it is a time taking process & also requires more money. Hence to remove this limitation use of technology is good choice. This opens up the new field to build a automatic solar tracker which comes with the automatic panel cleaning robot. The project uses a dummy solar panel which is coupled to a DC stepper motor for tracking the sun rays such that maximum sunlight is incident on the solar panel at any given time of the day. The tracking movement of the solar panel is achieved by teaming a DC stepper motor with the solar panel such that the face of the panel is always perpendicular to the sun, so as to generate maximum energy. This is attained by utilizing a programmed 8051 microcontroller to furnish stepped pulses in specific time intervals for the DC stepper motor to rotate the solar panel as appropriate. The cleaning mechanism can be achieved by a DC servo motor which is coupled across the solar panel with wiper & brushes. The DC servo motor is also connected to the microcontroller which is programmed to send signals for cleaning mechanism to operate at different time intervals. Therefore this paper presents a novel method of finding a more economical and efficient system that not only ensures maximum amount of sunlight but also helps in the maintenance of solar panel.

Published by: Aditya Sinha, Ambuj Preet

Author: Aditya Sinha

Paper ID: V3I5-1211

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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Review Paper

Right to Privacy- LGBT a Study

LGBTs a new look out in the light of Supreme Court Judgement

Published by: Pathuri Venkata Subrahmanyam

Author: Pathuri Venkata Subrahmanyam

Paper ID: V3I5-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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Research Paper

Improved Production of Ga3 on Cheap Novel Substrate by Fusarium Moniliforme

The study shows that Soild state fermentation technique leads to a better production of Gibberellic acid from the fungi Fusarium Moniliforme 1100. The total yield of gibberellic acid obtained was 5%. we are reporting a new commercially viable improved low cost process using cheap substrates for increased production of gibberellic acid from fungi

Published by: Rashmi Pal, Sengar Amrita, Mishra Vivek

Author: Rashmi Pal

Paper ID: V3I5-1206

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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Research Paper

Importance of ICT among the Madrassa Students of District Cachar, Assam

Information and Communication Technology is the most important gift of technology and with help of this instrument, every form of music can be enjoyed. The cyber society or Information society is only possible because of ICT and without this the society is still crawling to sip the taste of modernity. Education is the most important tool for the fruitful development and if ICT is avail in the periphery of education than the outcome will flow over the top. Many such research works proved that the modern form of education is far better than that of conventional one. The proper use of Smart classroom, Computer laboratory, and Digital library has taken the Student- Teacher fraternity to a level which is always regarded as the best ever relation. And when these relations stand as best one the society will definitely fly with a different hue. “Madrassa is an institution of learning, where Islamic sciences including literary and philosophical ones are taught” (encyclopedia of Islam – Leiden E. J. Brill). The main aim and purpose of Madrassa is to inculcate the belief and practice of Islam to its followers and also to guide them to follow the Holy Qur’an and saying Prophet Muhammad (PUBH). Islamic form of education will definitely lead the student to a religious juncture but to walk parallel with other fraternity the system needs the general form of education too. Generalized form of Madrassa education shift itself from pious to modernized form and with inhaling the modern prospect the system edge itself to ICT. Though there are many restrictions in implementing those gift of science. Along with the prospective scholar of Islam, the government too help to implement computer as a subject in the syllabus and after taking the sip of the computer the student as well as the general follower too praising the system as well as the technology. Because of computer everything become easily reachable and the bonding between teacher and student reached its peak. And too computer make the study easier and most interesting one.

Published by: Hussain Md Bajlun Noor

Author: Hussain Md Bajlun Noor

Paper ID: V3I5-1204

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2017

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