
Recent Papers

Identity Crisis in V. S. Naipau the House of Mr. Biswas

This paper focus on voice and identity in V.S Naipaul “The house of Mr.Biswas” This paper deals with the man struggle to make something is a struggle projected by the heroic effort to own is dream house, which in the way to own his own life. Plot of the story is that lone man struggle to free from oppressive force of his in-laws and failing health . Naipaul has also convey that the struggles faces by the man actually mold him to reach his dream. Mr.biswas mostly lives in a series of houses that either do not belong to him or are houses unworthy of the name. Each of the houses he lived is a attempt of solving a problem and each is a wrong answer in a different way . Author projected the character of Mr.Biswas as smart and funny but also often petulant , mean and unsympathetic. Mr. Biswas enemy , who are mostly is relatives are largely unlikable , but they also have admirable moments. A house for Mr.Biswas is 1961 novel published by V.s Naipaul , this is the first work of Naipaul to receive the positive critics and acclaim worldwide . Naipaul also drawn simple elements form the life of his father and he also potrayed the struggle faced by him

Published by: R. Vaishnavi, J. Kiruba Sharmila

Author: R. Vaishnavi

Paper ID: V3I4-1239

Paper Status: published

Published: August 2, 2017

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Review Paper

Review of Cognitive Spectrum Sensing Of Secondary User by Soft Computing

Subjective Radio innovation is being used to give a system for using the range more beneficially, range detecting is crucial to this application. The limit of Cognitive Radio frameworks to get the opportunity to spare zones of the radio range and to keep watching the range to ensure that the Cognitive Radio framework does not cause any undue obstacle depends completely on the range detecting parts of the framework. For the general framework to work suitably and to give the required change in range effectiveness, the Cognitive Radio range detecting framework must have the ability to enough recognize some different transmissions, perceive what they are and teach the central get ready unit inside the Cognitive Radio with the objective that the required move can be made.

Published by: Manpreet Kaur, Mayank Joshi

Author: Manpreet Kaur

Paper ID: V3I4-1279

Paper Status: published

Published: August 1, 2017

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Research Paper

Flame Retardant Luffa Fiber Reinforced Composites with Epoxy Resin Matrices

In current years composites have concerned considerable importance as a potential operational material. Low cost, light weights, high specific modulus, renewability and biodegradability are the most basic & common attractive features of composites that make them useful for industrial applications. Luffa- cylindrica locally called as “sponge-gourd” is one such natural resource whose potential as fiber reinforcement in polymer composite has not been explored till date for tribological applications. In this research twin layer fiber and triple layer fiber composites are prepared and were tested to study thermal properties.

Published by: Gurmeet Singh Arora, Dr. A. S Verma, Dr. Nitin Srivastava

Author: Gurmeet Singh Arora

Paper ID: V3I4-1265

Paper Status: published

Published: August 1, 2017

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Research Paper

Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Luffa-Epoxy Composite

In current years composites have concerned considerable importance as a potential operational material. Low cost, light weights, high specific modulus, renewability and biodegradability are the most basic & common attractive features of composites that make them useful for industrial applications. Luffa- cylindrica locally called as “sponge-gourd” is one such natural resource whose potential as fiber reinforcement in polymer composite has not been explored till date for tribological applications. In this research twin layer fiber and triple layer fiber composites are prepared and were tested to study mechanical properties.

Published by: Gurmeet Singh Arora, Dr. A. S Verma, Dr. Nitin Srivastava

Author: Gurmeet Singh Arora

Paper ID: V3I4-1264

Paper Status: published

Published: August 1, 2017

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Research Paper

Image Processing Based Disease Detection for Sugarcane Leaves

Sugarcane is one of the most important crop in India. Indian sugar industry is the second largest agro based industry, next only to the textiles. But, being long durational crop, sugarcane is prone to the number of disease caused by pathogens viz. fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasmas like organisms. Image processing techniques has been proved to be changing the scenario of agriculture in India with a number of research and applications like automatic disease detection, drone based pesticides and fertilizer dispensing, estimation of yield, vegetative growth, fruit sorting etc. This research is carried out to study effectiveness of Image Processing and computer vision techniques for detection of disease in sugarcane plants by observing the leaves. Few major diseases in sugarcane plant like red rot, mosaic and leaf scald have been studied and detection algorithm for the same has been implemented in this research work.

Published by: Arifa Khan, Manmohan Singh Yadav, Dr. Shafeeq Ahmad

Author: Arifa Khan

Paper ID: V3I4-1267

Paper Status: published

Published: July 31, 2017

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Review Paper

Crack Detection in Railway Track Using Image Processing

Computer vision can provide many potential advantages over manual methods of railway track inspection. Great levels of performance can be achieved through the automation of inspection using computer vision systems, as they allow scalable, quick, and cost-effective solutions to tasks otherwise unsuited to humans. At a minimum, railway track components can be objectively and quantitatively inspected, as the system does not suffer from fatigue or the subjectivity inherent with human inspectors. The digital nature of the data collection involved with a computer vision based method, archiving inspection results and trending of the data becomes feasible, leading to more advanced failure prediction models for maintenance scheduling and a more thorough understanding of railway track structure. In this research paper, a computer vision based method is presented. A system has been suggested which can periodically take images of the railway tracks and compared with the existing database of non-faulty track images on a continuous basis. If a fault arises in the track section, the system will automatically detect the fault and necessary actions can be taken, to avoid any mis-happening.

Published by: Aliza Raza Rizvi, Pervez Rauf Khan, Dr. Shafeeq Ahmad

Author: Aliza Raza Rizvi

Paper ID: V3I4-1266

Paper Status: published

Published: July 31, 2017

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