
Recent Papers

Multipurpose Near Field Communication

Near field communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless protocol that allows users to connect devices and access content and services by simply holding enabled devices near each other. Many of the existing applications (ticketing, purchasing, device configuration, etc.) use NFC as a method to transfer unique identifiers which then inform a larger system. An innovative method of designing a multipurpose near field communication system using RF encoder and decoder. 4-bit encoder and decoder are used for wireless communication so that we are going to use 434 mhz rf receiver and transmitter chip .It will control multiple devices at a time. By using RF encoder we can store data without encoder we can’t send data

Published by: K. Lakshmi, M. Sree Lekha, S. Prem Kumar

Author: K. Lakshmi

Paper ID: V3I4-1216

Paper Status: published

Published: July 24, 2017

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Integration of Robust Different Hierarchical Routing Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network

Wireless sensor network is nowadays very popular important in the field of research because the world is now switching faster from wired communication to the wireless communication. In our research work, we have to compare different protocols TEEN, PEGASIS, ECHREP LEACH. It is used in environmental monitoring, habitat monitoring, battlefield etc. WSN is made up of tiny sensor nodes which sense the data and communicate to the base station via other nodes.WSN networks are data-centric rather than node centric. So, main issues in WSN networks are energy consumption of network, the lifetime of a network, delay, latency, quality of service etc.WSN has defined many routing protocols for the network. The main challenge in WSN is to design a routing protocol which gives the maximum energy efficient routing because nodes in a sensor network are equipped with the battery. So, as time passes the battery of nodes will decrease so in turn network lifetime will decrease. There are many routing protocols which are classified as their working and their application to different conditions. This paper describes brief information about routing protocols. The main focus of this paper is to give the comparison of different hierarchical routing protocols. In this Dissertation, we were comparing four routing protocol LEACH, PEGASIS, TEEN and Proposed ECHERP. So we conclude that according to overall performance in hierarchical network ECHERP performance better compare to other routing protocol in WSN.

Published by: Nikita Balhara, Tajendar Malik

Author: Nikita Balhara

Paper ID: V3I4-1214

Paper Status: published

Published: July 22, 2017

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Identification and Characterization of Cellulose Degrading Bacteria and Estimation of Its Cellulolytic Capacity

Cellulosic biomass is one of the foreseeable sustainable source of fuels and is also one of the dominating waste materials in nature resulting from human activities. Keeping in view the environmental problems like disposal of large volumes of cellulosic wastes and shortage of fossil fuel in the world, the main aim of the present investigation was to characterize and study the cellulolytic activity of the selected isolate on natural cellulosic substrates viz. finely grated vegetable peels. The cellulose degrading capacity of the isolate was confirmed by Congo red test. By the selection of efficient cellulolytic microorganisms and cost- effective operational techniques, the production of useful end products from the biodegradation of the low cost enormous stock of cellulose in nature can be very beneficial.

Published by: Jeeva Raj

Author: Jeeva Raj

Paper ID: V3I4-1212

Paper Status: published

Published: July 22, 2017

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Removing Salt-And-Pepper Noise from Digital Image Using Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter

Every digital image has a two-dimensional mathematical representation of the digital image. Digital image are made out of pixels i.e. picture component. Every pixel speaks to the dark level for highly contrasting photographs at a solitary point in the image, so a pixel can be spoken to by a small speck of particular shading. Image restoration is the process of restoring degraded images which cannot be taken again or the process of obtaining the image again is costlier. We can restore the images by prior knowledge of the noise or the disturbance that causes the degradation of the image. Image restoration is done in two domains: spatial domain and frequency domain. In the spatial domain, the filtering action for restoring the images is done by directly operating on the pixels of the digital image. In our research work different format of the same image will be executed for a different level of noise and then we will analyze which format will be best and besides PSNR two more parameters MSE and IEF also considered. In our research work, our main objective is to remove salt and pepper noise from the image. As in base paper, 30% and 70% salt and pepper noise are removed with PSNR value. But in our dissertation work salt and pepper noise at 30%, 50%, 70%, and 75% are removing with three parameters like PSNR, MSE, and IEF. After the filtering, the image is remapped into spatial domain by inverse Fourier transform to obtain the restored image. Different noise models were studied. Different filtering techniques in both spatial and frequency domains were studied and improved algorithms were written and simulated using Matlab. Restoration efficiency was checked by taking peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE) into considerations.

Published by: Minakshi, Suraj Rana

Author: Minakshi

Paper ID: V3I4-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: July 22, 2017

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Survey Paper on Analysis of Modulation Technique of UWB, OFDM and CDMA for Different Parameter

Brief history of evolution of mobile communication throughout entire world is useful in order to appreciate fabulous impact that cellular radio and PCS will have on all of us over next several decades. Progressive involvement in technology development is very crucial for any government if it hopes to keep its own country competitive in the rapidly growing field of wireless communication. As time passed we developed so much advanced technology which was never been possible before. After second generation tremendous revolution occurred with third generation technology in communication and it is known as cdma2000. After that various sub technologies came into existence of cdma2000. These are based on Interim Standard 95 and Interim Standard 95B technology. Similarly for other technology OFDM and UWB we developed lot of advanced technology as per need of clients. Our main focus to develop this technology is that cost effective, less complex, maximum subscriber, high quality of service. As we know information is transmitted through electromagnetic waves with help of antenna. Which types of antenna are best suited for a particular technology is tedious task. Now days we are using smart antenna. We can say smart antennas are arrays of antenna which consist multiple transmitter antenna and multiple receiver antenna.

Published by: Pooja Budhwar, Dheeraj Kapoor, Nipin Gupta

Author: Pooja Budhwar

Paper ID: V3I4-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: July 22, 2017

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Comparison Analysis of Modulation Technique of UWB, OFDM and CDMA for Different Parameter

With pace of time there is tremendous development in communication and on other hand as population increasing exponentially with time many severe traffic situations arises for example congestion problem, quality of service and cost also. A researcher always tries to resolve complexity of the system means system must be simple, cost effective and easy to use. In our dissertation research area is to compare different characteristics parameters of digital modulation technique so that a final conclusion can be made which technique is best one when we transmit data and finally it reach at destination with minimum bit error rate (BER). In base paper only CDMA technique is considered but in our dissertation work UWB and OFDM also considered. In our research paper we implemented simulation result CDMA, OFDM and UWB for different band pass technique for example BPSK, QPSK, QAM, 16 QAM, 64QAM, Calculate Transmitter and receiver message of CDMA, OFDM and UWB, Bit Error Rate, Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and MSE Equalizer. Besides this our dissertation having multi input multi output (MIMO) antenna concept used. Earlier single antenna concept was used, now we use array of antenna to provide much efficient and good quality of service or we can say MIMO (Multi input Multi Output)

Published by: Pooja Budhwar, Dheeraj Kapoor, Nipin Gupta

Author: Pooja Budhwar

Paper ID: V3I4-1198

Paper Status: published

Published: July 21, 2017

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