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Production of Bio-Ethanol from Biomass (Press Mud)

This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings Bioethanol is a renewable; eco-friendly energy source can be produced from bio-mass. Increasing the use of bio-ethanol for energy generation purposes is of particular interest now a day because they allow reducing the Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The production of low cost ethanol by using lignocelluloses material basically the sugar industry wastes like bagasse and press mud. Press mud was characterized as moisture (70-75%), ash (18.25%) and protein content (1.68 g/L). Press mud contains sufficient amount of cellulose (22.3%) and hemicelluloses (21.67%) so it has allure for use as a potential feedstock. Press mud drying study was also carried out to avoid microbial spoilage and increase storability. The acid hydrolysis of press mud with optimized parameters (H2SO4, 1.5 %; solid to liquid ratio 1:5 and time 15 min.) resulted in sugar release of 21 g/L. Furthermore, the activated carbon detoxification technique was carried out to remove phenolics, which are destructive to fermentation process. The batch fermentation of detoxified press mud using saccharomyces cerevisaie NRRL Y-12632 (pH-4.5, Temp- 28°C, RPM- 120, Time- 96 hrs.) resulted 11.65 g/l of total solvents. Hence, clean and green, effective utilization of press mud for bio-ethanol production successfully achieved.

Published by: Sangram S. Pawar, Dr. Prakash Chavan, Dr. Sandeep Bankar

Author: Sangram S. Pawar

Paper ID: V3I3-1614

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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Application of Graph Theory in Matrix Representation

Graph is completely determined by specifying either its adjacency structure or its incidence structure. These specifications provide for more efficient ways of representing a large or complicated graph then a pictorial representation. As computers are more adept at manipulating numbers than at recognizing picture. It is standard practice to communicate the specification of a graph to a computer in matrix.

Published by: Sanjay Kumar Bisen, Dr. Arivnd Kumar Yadav

Author: Sanjay Kumar Bisen

Paper ID: V3I3-1612

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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Effect of Green Gram FLDs on income of the among Green Gram Growers in Dewas District (M.P.)

Green gram is an important pulse crop in our country after chickpea and pigeon pea, cultivated in three different seasons’ viz., kharif, rabi and summer. India is the largest producer of green gram that accounts for 54% of the world production and covers 65% of the world acreage and it is grown on about 3.70 million hectares with annual production of 1.57 million tonnes. Green gram is grown in the Dewas distric (M.P.). the study was conducted in Dewas district, where FLD was conducted by ATMA Dewas M.P. during 2015-16, six villages and 120 green gram growers had benefited by this programme. All the beneficiaries were selected purposively for the study. The mean income of beneficiaries after FLD was Rs. 28.69 thousand which was found significantly higher than mean income of beneficiaries before FLD (Rs.15.56 thousand). Majority of the beneficiaries after FLD were in high income level category whereas beneficiaries before FLD in low level income category.

Published by: Kavita Padiyar, Dr. Sandhya Choudhary, Dr. Abhay Wankhede, Dr. V. K Swarnakar

Author: Kavita Padiyar

Paper ID: V3I3-1602

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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FPGA Implementation of Built In Self Repair Technique for Hard & Soft Errors in Memories

Anything that changes the normal operation can be defined as an error in a memory. They can be of two types: - Soft errors & Hard errors. Soft errors are caused by external elements (such as radiation environments, electrical noises etc.) outside of the designer's control. Hard errors are mainly due to manufacturing defects or due to unknown sources. Since an error in the memory can affect the whole system, error detection & correction techniques are important. Our objective is to detect and correct errors in offline stage and in field usage. During offline test stage, BIST (Built in Self-Test) module will check for the errors in the entire memory. If any fault is detected, SEC-DED (Single Error Correction Double Error Detection) module will be initiated to correct one error. If there exits more than one error, reconfiguration module will remap the faulty cells with the spare memory cells. During the field usage, if any error occurs, the controller will categorize the errors to three types and apply different techniques to correct them. The whole system is implemented in FPGA and simulation results are noted.

Published by: Sojy Yacob, Anu C. Kunjachan

Author: Sojy Yacob

Paper ID: V3I3-1601

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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Utilization of Demolished Brick & Marble Waste in Concrete for Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate

The demand of construction material is increasing every day. Concrete is widely used in construction. In this research waste Brick & Marble is used as coarse aggregate produced from demolition of building which is waste material. We can use this waste material as coarse aggregate. Waste Brick and marble are vary economic as compared to natural aggregate & reduce the waste generated by demolition of building. This study aimed to investigate the suitability of using brick ballast and marble waste in concrete. Three replacement levels 10%, 20% and 30%, were compared with the conventional concrete. The tests on concrete showed that the mechanical properties (compressive and splitting tensile strengths) of concrete containing waste brick ballast and marble ballast were well comparable to those of the concrete without brick ballast. The production of normal aggregates and building stones through quarrying is an expensive process. Quarrying involves deep excavation and blasting of rocks. This has created an unpleasant environment by leaving scars on land. Brick ballast and marble waste products chips when crushed to the required nominal sizes such as 10mm, 14mm, 20mm, etc. provide a rough and irregular surface which aids in bonding of cement paste and the aggregate. Therefore the bond strength of concrete is likely to be increased when these aggregates are used. Careful consideration of the water absorption of brick ballast aggregates will be taken in the mix design to ensure that the workability of the mix is achieved.

Published by: Md. Mamun, Zeeshan Khan, Amir Mirza Baig

Author: Md. Mamun

Paper ID: V3I3-1640

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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Emerging Issues and Challenges in Banking and Financial Services on Indian Economy- Post Demonetization

The Government of India announced the demonetization of all Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 paper money of the Mahatma Gandhi Series On 8 November 2016,. The government claim that the action would stop the shadow (process of people making, selling, and buying things) and crack down on the use of illegal and (make fake money or goods) cash to fund illegal activity and terrorism. The sudden nature of the announcement and the lengthy cash shortages in the weeks that followed has created noteworthy disruption throughout the (process of people making, selling, and buying things), threatening money-based output. The move was heavily criticized as poorly planned and unfair, and was met with protests, lawsuits, and strikes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the changes that are happening in Indian Banking and related to managing money part/area as a hit/effect of demonetization. In trying to (ask lots of questions about/try to find the truth about) factors which may account for never-before-seen change, this study raises the pro's and con's of currency demonetization in different (related to managing money) Banking parts/areas. Data were collected through surveys that were mailed out to no. of people (who were part of a study, etc.) in Hyderabad. People (who were part of a study, etc.) in the study completed the survey (without revealing his/her name) and filled out a separate permission-related form. People who responded have appointments in a variety of departments, including Banking, Finance, Capital markets and Insurance parts/areas. People who responded were from variety of (related to managing money) Institutions from both private and public institutions, the majority being research oriented. To protect the (not knowing or telling someone's name) of the people who responded, we are not capable to list the institutions here or to further identify them. Secondary Data is collected from Internet and Newspapers. With the centre's decision to throw out/cancel old currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 on November 8, 2016, the (related to managing money) part/area is now supporting structure itself to deal with the move's hit/effect. Experts say that it is a good move as it will bring more formal money in the (related to managing money) part/area.

Published by: V. Kanakalatha

Author: V. Kanakalatha

Paper ID: V3I3-1642

Paper Status: published

Published: June 28, 2017

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