
Recent Papers

Password Based Circuit Breaker with GSM Module

This project focuses on the safety of the lineman while working so they do not feel the sudden electric shock. As lineman has to deal with live wires very often, the chances of critical accidents are already very high. However, with the right amount of coordination among lineman and substation, a lot of these accidents can be avoided. The project aimed at providing the solution that ensures the safety of maintenance staff. Here, as soon as the lineman detect the fault in the electric line, an SMS will be sent to the substation staff, who would switch off the line and turn it on when the fault is being resolved, thus redusing the chances of accidents and saves the power as well. The proposed system is fully operated on a microcontroller.

Published by: Yash Pal Gautam

Author: Yash Pal Gautam

Paper ID: V3I3-1553

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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Current Regulations for Labelling and Advertising Of Nutritional Supplements

The present study is on to regulate the nutritional supplements for labeling and advertising. Nutritional are commonly used in the entire world. There is a tendency for underreporting their ingestion by patients and the magnitude of their use is under-recognized by Physicians. This review will mainly discuss single ingredients and complex mixtures of natural nutrition’s marketed under a single label and advertising. These create difficulties in developing and harmonizing nutrition information listings, which have broad international applications. For these reasons, the Codex guidelines on nutrition labeling play an important role to provide guidance to member countries when they want to develop or update their national regulations and to encourage harmonization of national standards with international standards. As for all products on the market, advertising for dietary supplements must be truthful and substantiated. The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) work together in regulating dietary supplement advertising. FDA is primarily responsible for claims on product labeling, while FTC has primary responsibility for claims in advertising, including print and broadcast ads, infomercials, catalogs, and similar direct marketing materials. These two agencies collaborate to ensure consistency in dietary supplement advertising regulation. The conclusion of current regulations for labeling and advertising of nutritional supplements was marketers of dietary supplements should be familiar with the requirements under both DSHEA and the FTC Act that labeling and advertising claims be truthful, not misleading and substantiated.

Published by: Yacob .M, Ramesh Reddy .K, Alagusundaram .M, Jayachandra Reddy .P

Author: Yacob .M

Paper ID: V3I3-1576

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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Design and Fabrication of Hand Operated Vacuum Cleaner

Dust removing problem is increasing more and more now a days. Hence it has become to provide some equipment for removing dust. There different types of waste, dry waste, vegetable waste, dust particles and soon. Generally, little equipment has been evolved in the market for cleaning the dust particles which are known as a vacuum cleaner. But these vacuum cleaner costs more in the market and not every human being can afford it. These devices need an electrical energy for its operation and not user-friendly. In India, especially in summer, there is power crisis and most of the cleaning machine is not used effectively due to this problem, particularly in bus stands. Hence it is a need to develop low-cost, user-friendly vacuum cleaning machine. In this project, an effort has been made to develop a manually operated vacuum cleaning machine so that it can be an alternative for conventional vacuum cleaning machines. In this work, modeling and fabrication of the vacuum cleaning machine were done using suitable commercially available software and components. The conventionally used materials were considered for the components of vacuum cleaning machine. These vacuum cleaners may be used in homes as well as in industry.

Published by: Pravesh Kumar Singh, Ritesh Kumar, Shashi Kant, Vivek Kumar Tiwari, T. Madhusudhan

Author: Pravesh Kumar Singh

Paper ID: V3I3-1596

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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A Survey on Contextual Operation using pair wise Ranking and COT for Recommender Systems

The interest for universal data preparing over the Web has required the improvement of setting - mindful recommender frameworks fit for managing the issues of data over-burden and data sifting. Contemporary recommender frameworks saddle setting - mindfulness with the personalization to offer the most exact proposals about various items, administrations, and assets. Nonetheless, such frameworks run over the issues, for example, scantily, cool begin, and versatility that prompt to uncertain suggestions. The cutting edge setting demonstrating techniques for the most part regard settings as specific measurements like those of clients and things, and catch importance's amongst settings and clients/things. In any case, such sort of significance has much trouble in clarification, e.g., it is not natural that a client is more important to weekday than end of the week. A few takes a shot at multi-area connection forecast can likewise be utilized for the setting mindful suggestion, yet they have constraints in creating proposals under a lot of relevant data. Persuaded by late works in characteristic dialect handling, we speak to every setting esteem with an idle vector, and model the relevant data as a semantic operation on the client and thing. Moreover, we utilize the relevant working tensor to catch the regular semantic impacts of settings. For the relevant data of every client thing communication, the logical operation can be demonstrated by duplicating the working tensor with idle vectors of settings. However a client thing collaboration results can be created under particular relevant data yet can't be yielded under other logical circumstances. So we propose a pairwise positioning imperative on the relevant data.

Published by: Sachin Madhukar Kolase, Prof. V. V Jagtap

Author: Sachin Madhukar Kolase

Paper ID: V3I3-1594

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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Improving the Speed of Data Leakage

A human mistakes are one of the main causes of data recent year,the leak of sensitive data have grown rapidly for a research institutions.The exposure of sensitive data in storage and transmission poses a serious threat to organizational and personal security. Commonly , information is content in storage and transmission for exposed sensitive data. Such an approach usually requires the detection operation to be conducted in secretly and leakages of the data is not able to predictable. However,detecting the data leak by scanning information or files some detectors are available in to the market.(e.g. Antivirus(AV),Network Intrusion Detection System(NIDS)). In this paper, for detecting large and inexact sensitive data patterns we uses a principal component analysis algorithm and advanced encryption algorithm.Our algorithm is designed for high detection accuracy.This detection is presented by parallel execution of sampling and AES algorithm.Our system is more efficient for detection of accuracy in recognizing transform leaks.We encrypt the important data from owner and receiver side and send the data leak detection result to the owner. We describe the high encryption form both side for getting high security and maintaining the secrecy.

Published by: Pooja A. Dagadkhair, Vidya Jagtap

Author: Pooja A. Dagadkhair

Paper ID: V3I3-1588

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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Performance of Equal Skirted Strip Footing Resting On Sand Slope Subjected To Lateral Load

Skirted foundations are considered a viable foundation type for a variety of offshore applications, facilities for the oil gas industry and structures where scour is major concern. In offshore structures, power transmitting cables and earth retaining structures, the lateral forces acting on the footings may be dominant. Thus there is need to study performance of skirted strip footings subjected to lateral loads. In the present study, static lateral load tests were performed to shed some lights on the performance of equal skirted strip footings. Different parameters were the effect of the ratio of depth of skirt to width of footing (d/B), the ratio of distance of footing from crest to the width of footing (b/B). From the results of laboratory tests, it was found that as the depth of skirt increases and as the distance of the crest to the width of footing increases, the ultimate lateral load carrying capacity of footings increases significantly.

Published by: Pratieksha S. Deshmukh, Thakare S. W, Dhatrak A. I

Author: Pratieksha S. Deshmukh

Paper ID: V3I3-1587

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2017

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