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Review Paper

Review on Text Classification by NLP Approaches with Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches

Software Engineering and syntactic which is uncertain with the associations among PCs and regular dialects. In supposition, normal dialect changing over must be perfect skill of human-PC interface. Characteristic dialect thankful is some of the time portray to as an Artificial Intelligence-whole issues, since common dialect acknowledgment appears to draw in broad learning about the outside world and the bent to control it. NLP has huge have basic components with the field of computational phonetics, and is regularly viewed as a sub-field of computerized reasoning. In this paper review on the different techniques of text classification is discussed.

Published by: Gurvir Kaur, Parvinder Kaur

Author: Gurvir Kaur

Paper ID: V3I4-1294

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2017

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Research Paper

Multiple Face Detection for Colour Images

The emergence of high resolution digital cameras for recording of still images and video streams has had a significant impact on how communication and entertainment have developed during the recent years. At the same time Moore’s law has made tremendous computing power readily available that only some 20 years ago was reserved for high profile research establishments and intelligence services. These two tendencies have respectively called for and fostered the advent of unprecedented computationally heavy image processing algorithms. Algorithms that in turn have allowed for new processing of existing image based material. Parallel to this technological development the measures deployed in the protection against attacks from the enemies of modernity calls for more surveillance of the public space. As a result of this regrettable circumstance more video cameras are installed in airports, on stations and even on open streets in major cities. Whether or not the purpose is entertainment or dead serious surveillance, tasks like detection and recognition of faces are solved using the same methods. Due to the varying and generally adverse conditions under which images are recorded there is a call for algorithms capable of working in an unconstrained environment. In 2004 an article by Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones titled “Robust Real-Time Face Detection” was publish in the International Journal of Computer Vision. The algorithm presented in this article has been so successful that today it is very close to being the de facto standard for solving face detection tasks. This success is mainly attributed to the relative simplicity, the fast execution and the remarkable performance of the algorithm. This report documents all relevant aspects of the implementation of the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm. The intended input for the face detection algorithm is any conceivable image containing faces and the output is a list of face positions.

Published by: Radhika Anchanala, Dr. G. Chenchu Krishnaiah

Author: Radhika Anchanala

Paper ID: V3I4-1322

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2017

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Research Paper

A Critical Study on Make in India Program of NDA Government Special Reference To Tech India

Honorable PM Mr. Narendra Modi in an event in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on September 25,2014 launched ‘Make in India’ program, which is a major national initiative which focuses on making India a global manufacturing hub. Idea is to develop infrastructure without delays and make it very easy for the companies to do business in India along with support to existing industries in the nation. The manufacturing sector which is currently contributing to 15% of the country’s Gross Domestic Products Needs to be improved to 25% in next couple of years. Also eliminating lengthy laws and regulations, bureaucratic processes needs to be shortened , make government more transparent toward public. In this regime manufacturing will improve opportunities of investments, investments will improve skills, need of specific skill will improve employment, employment will improve purchasing power of the youth and once again there will be a demand of manufacturing goods, its growth and obviously the growth of the nation. Apart from manufacturing Initiatives , National Investments Schemes, creation of Industrial corridors, Development of smart Cities and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in important sectors like Defense, construction and Railways are taken into consideration. To support PM’s mission there is a need of skill Development in different sectors. These skills are based on current industry needs and todays changing environments. Flexibility in labor laws, formation of new agencies, defining objectives and roles are the key points taken into consideration.

Published by: Vikas Pathak, Dr. Pramesh Gautam

Author: Vikas Pathak

Paper ID: V3I4-1344

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2017

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Research Paper

Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates with Waste Glass

The use of Waste Glass has recently gained popularity as a resource-efficient, durable, cost-effective, sustainable option for many types of Portland cement concrete (PCC) applications. The production of Portland cement is not only costly and energy-intensive, but it also produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. With the use of waste glasses available around the world at low costs, the use of Waste Glass seems to offer the best short-term solutions to rising river bed sand demand.

Published by: Ishan Srivastava, Dushyant Gupta, Sukhvinder Singh Sehmi, Kumar Shivam, Jhalki Bharadwaj

Author: Ishan Srivastava

Paper ID: V3I4-1341

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2017

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Research Paper

IOT Applications for Indian Based Farming and Hospitality Industry

Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things(IoT), which is the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data are hot discussions now in the trade of Indian based farming and hospitality industry. Cloud computing which is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer provides software usage, data access, data storage services and other computation through the Internet and facilitates customers to rent resources based on the pay-as-you-go model. Prompted by attaining a sustainable world, this paper also provides several technologies and issues regarding green cloud computing which is a buzzword that refers to the potential environmental benefits that information technology (IT) services delivered over the Internet can offer society and the green IoT targets at a sustainable smart world, by reducing the energy consumption of IoT, moreover it improves the discussion with the depletion in energy consumption of the two techniques Cloud Computing and Internet of Things combination in agriculture and healthcare systems.The hot green information and communications technologies (ICT’s) are enabling green Internet of Things will also be examined. Green computing establishment first and later focuses on the current works done relating to the two emerging technologies in both agriculture and healthcare cases. And also, this paper gives a knowledge by presenting Internet of Things application for Indian based farming and hospitality industry via sensor-cloud integration model. Last but not least it also, lists out the benefits, challenges, and future research directions regarding green application design. This experiment aims to make green area broad and contribution to sustainable application world.

Published by: V. Sasikumar, Dr. S. Priya

Author: V. Sasikumar

Paper ID: V3I4-1334

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2017

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Research Paper

A Study on Direct Oxidation of O-Toluidine by Potassium Bromate

O-Toluidine is a very specific reagent used widely in various Laboratory. It finds place in forensic medicines laboratory where human blood stains on various objects are tested and used for crime detection. Besides these O-Toluidine is utilized in synthesis of many useful organic compounds. A valuable report has been published on germicidal action of O-Toluidine. Thus selection of O-Toluidine for mechanistic studies seems interesting and inviting as well

Published by: Tapas Ghosh

Author: Tapas Ghosh

Paper ID: V3I4-1331

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2017

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