
Recent Papers

Optimization of Structure to Achieve Economy in Transportation

KALESHWARAM Project (Dr. B.R.A. Pranahitha Chevella Sujala Sravanthi Project), comprises of 28 packages. This Road Bridge under consideration is selected from package 15 of this project. The Kaleshwaram project main canal on its way is crossing the existing road at chainage K.M 6.740. The proposed road bridge is intended to establish Connectivity between TEEGUL Village and RAMNAGAR Village by crossing kaleshwaram Project main canal at KM.6.740. The existing road is a B T Road for which a Single lane Road bridge is proposed. A Single lane road bridge is that permits two-way traffic in a single lane width. This kind of roads was common in rural areas. This structure has to be inevitably provide across this irrigation canal to establish the connectivity. As the irrigation canal crossing BT road along the proposed alignment the government of Telangana proposed a Double Lane Road Bridge. Instead, proposal of a single single-ledge was examined in the place of Double Lane Road Bridge on the basis of traffic study at the site of the structure. Before the proposal of Single Lane Road Bridge, soil Investigation was done at the proposed site to arrive the soil characteristics. Traffic survey was conducted for the road at the proposed site of the structure. The data thus obtained lead to the choice of a single lane road bridge. The Single lane road bridge thus proposed was designed in the light of the relevant IRC & IS codes. Its estimate is arrived to be 0.36 Crores and the Double lane Road bridge is of 0.83 Crores as per department estimate. Thus by optimizing and adopting a Single Lane Road Bridge over a Double Lane Road Bridge, economy in the cost of structure will be achieved.

Published by: J. Ashwini, Dr. M. D. Subhan

Author: J. Ashwini

Paper ID: V3I3-1430

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Synthetic Speech Spoofing Detection using MFCC and SVM

Now-a-days synthetic voice is frequently used to defraud a biometric access systems which is speaker recognition based. This paper presents synthetic speech detection in automatic speaker verification system (ASV) for the purpose of spoof detection. Feature extraction is done by canonical Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) algorithm and classification of natural and synthetic voice is done using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Several experiments are carried out, showing that nonlinear SVM performs better than linear SVM.

Published by: Anagha Sonawane, M. U Inamdar

Author: Anagha Sonawane

Paper ID: V3I3-1433

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Fishers Management System Using Geo-Located in Android Application

Fisherman is an integral part of fishery management. This app is going to defend Fisherman from fog, wind, cyclone, heavy rainy climate and to safeguard the fisherman from dangerous situation by giving alerts to user from Admin. In day to day life, because of many cyclone problems and heavy rain, some of the fisherman missing in sea, those who went for fishery. To protect them from this problem, Admin sends the weather information to the User by using this mobile application. Also this app allows anglers to accurately view their location on a map and send related information about that location and also the fishery information to Admin. In addition to that, they will send details about sea like more fishery area, dangerous spot and limits of border. The detail which was sent by user is posted to this app by Admin. Simultaneously, dangerous spot was informed to User. Admin mark this area detail in map by different color marker. Marker intimates about dangerous spot in sea, fishery area, and cyclone and border area. And also there is chatting feature is available in this app for the user. This chatting app is for making conversation between the fishers.

Published by: Pavithra .R, Saranya .B, Prasanna Devi .P, Suganya .G, Kalaivani .J

Author: Pavithra .R

Paper ID: V3I3-1434

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Strategies in Research

plan or scheme by which the activity of searching for and assessing information found is carried out is called a research strategy. A research strategy usually involves a number of steps. Firstly, the analysis of the major concepts of the topic. Secondly, defining relevant keywords and their synonyms. Thirdly, searching appropriate information sources (e.g. databases), and fourthly, assessing the quantity and quality (relevance) of the information found. The research strategy, a subset of research design, includes elements of data collection and interpretation and emerges from both the research purpose and question. These strategies differ in their Ontological assumptions, Starting points, Steps or logic use of concepts and theory, Styles of explanation and understanding and the status of their products. Each strategy has connections with particular philosophical and theoretical traditions, i.e. research paradigms (Blaikie 2007).The paper has been analyzed in view of the research strategies which are done in carrying out the research activity. They provide a ladder which helps in carrying out the research. The strategies Inductive, Deductive, Retroductive & Abductive have been explained in the paper with their epsitelmogical assumptions. The paper analyses their importance & also brings out its applications that have come over the years.

Published by: Garima Malhotra

Author: Garima Malhotra

Paper ID: V3I3-1528

Paper Status: published

Published: May 29, 2017

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Exhaust Manifold Optimisation and Structural Analysis through F.E.A Approach

An exhaust manifold collects the exhaust gases from multiple cylinders into one single pipe. Exhaust manifolds are generally made up of cast iron or stainless steel which collect engine exhaust gas from multiple cylinders and deliver it to the exhaust pipe. Individual exhaust headpipes for each cylinder are commonly collected into a one tube called header. The design of an exhaust manifold which is studied and experimented in the paper depends on pressure drop and volumetric flow rate. Various geometrical types of exhaust manifold had been studied using experimental methods as well as numerical methods(CFD). This paper reveals about severe heat cycles conditions, the exhaust manifold of an engine can have problems of crack and extensive plastic deformations, the finite element method is being applied to predict thermal stress and deformations in manifold area.

Published by: Abhishek Srivastava, Dr. Shailendra Sinha

Author: Abhishek Srivastava

Paper ID: V3I3-1388

Paper Status: published

Published: May 27, 2017

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Design of Wave Generator and Pumping Aerator

Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of aquatic animals like fishes, prawns etc. The farmers, particularly in coastal areas are dependent upon aquaculture. In the processes of Aquaculture, farmers need to face several problems. One of the main problems is the death of aquatic animals due to lacking oxygen levels in water. In order to provide sufficient oxygen to the aquatic animals, many aerator machines were developed. But the costs of these machines being very high, the farmers aren’t able to afford it. Therefore, in order to provide the farmers with cost-efficient technology, we have designed the wave generator and pumping aerator. These aerators enhance the water with more dissolved oxygen in an economically feasible methodology.

Published by: Kaliki Sai Krishna Reddy, R. Nandhini, M. Sujatha

Author: Kaliki Sai Krishna Reddy

Paper ID: V3I3-1387

Paper Status: published

Published: May 27, 2017

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