Road roller barrier system
India is a developing country. The growth of traffic increases rapidly day by day. The government is looking for new technologies in order to reduce accidents on the road and improve safety on the road. In India, the transportation system is expanding fast or rapidly. In India in 2015, 501423 road accidents happened in which 146133 people died. In 2016 road accidents decreased by 4.1% in which near about 480652 road accidents occurred and 150785 people died. in 2017 road crash fatalities increased by 3% last 2 years. A small Korean company developed a new product in order to reduce the harsh impact of guard rails. The product is a rolling Barrier. The latest technology for the safety of vehicles on the roads is provided with the help of the rolling Barrier concept. Providing rolling Barriers on intense curves helps in reducing many accidents of vehicles now a day. Therefore, the rolling Barrier proves to be a lifesaving technology for the drivers as well as passengers of the car. The product (barrier system) developed by the Korean company is very expensive because of which we can't implement it in India. So, we thought about how to reduce the cost of the barrier system. So, we can implement the low-cost barrier system at the local level at minimal cost by replacing the W beam with a steel pipe which has low cost and equal strength. Also, we decided to replace the LED lights used by the Korean company with radium paper which will do not the same purpose but at a very low cost. Painting rail guards with yellow color and sticking radium paper red color so that the drivers are not distracted as well as it will help them to remain in their lane. So, overall we are making changes in the model of the barrier system given by the Korean company to reduce its cost which can be implemented at the local level.
Published by: Pravin Vilas Kulkarni, Hajariwale Rajendra Ranjeetsing, Mugale Kirti Umesh, Chatla Nikhil Anand, Falmari Sneha Prasad, Thamake Aishwarya Ashok
Author: Pravin Vilas Kulkarni
Paper ID: V8I4-1170
Paper Status: published
Published: July 14, 2022
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