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Flood Frequency Analysis of Stream Flow in Pakistan Using L- moments and TL-moments

Determination of most appropriate method to obtain probability distribution for data of stream flow for different locations in Pakistan by using statistical models is most important aspect in hydrologic structure. Statistical model building for flood frequency analysis will be used to determining the performance of stream flow. Developing methods that were provide an appropriate expectation of hydrologic events is always fascinating for both hydrologist and statistician, because of its significance in manipulating hydrologic structure and water resource controlling programs. L-moments and TL-moments were used to find the appropriate distribution for the data of stream flow in Pakistan for the analysis flood frequency. The basic purpose of flood frequency analysis is to find best probability distribution by the use of method of L-moments and TL-moments. Parameters of different distributions were predicted by the use of L-moment and TL-moment approach. TL-moments means that the moments are trimmed symmetrically by one conceptual sample. Most appropriate distribution was determined accordance with different goodness-of-fit methods. In addition L-moment as well as TL-moment ratio diagrams will gives us graphical clue of best fit distribution. Different goodness-of-fit test shows that GPA is most appropriate distribution for eight sites, while GLO, GNO and GEV for four, three and two sites respectively. L-moment method of estimation is found to be more suitable for most of the sites to find out the best probability distribution.

Published by: Zakia Batool

Author: Zakia Batool

Paper ID: V3I4-1166

Paper Status: published

Published: July 10, 2017

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Wavelet Analysis of Air Pollution due to Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is the most abundant of the criteria pollutants. High concentration of Carbon monoxide generally occurs in areas with heavy traffic congestion. There are adverse effects on Human health due to high concentration of CO in the atmosphere. The metropolitan cities are facing such type of problems a lot. In a given signal (data of average CO per day, observed by DPCC Anand Vihar, Delhi), trend is the most important part and also slowest part of a signal. In wavelet analysis terms this corresponds to the greatest scale value. Symlet wavelet is orthogonal and compactly supportive and therefore, it is useful for multiresolution analysis of a CO data. Approximation and Detailed coefficients have been determined using Sym4 wavelet transforms.

Published by: Anil Kumar

Author: Anil Kumar

Paper ID: V3I4-1172

Paper Status: published

Published: July 8, 2017

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Combination of Urethrotmy, Urinary Bladder Repair, Tubecystostomy in Clinical Cases of Urethral Obstruction in Bullocks

Combination of urethrotomy, bladder repair and tube cystostomy was done in 48 clinical cases of bullocks suffering from urethral obstruction. Tube cystostomy performed using either Foley’s or PVC catheter along with urethrotomy and bladder repair for adult bullocks was performed for both intact bladders and ruptured bladders with high success rate of 70.83%. Surgical tube cystostomy in addition to urethrotomy and bladder repair was found to be superior to percutaneous tube cystostomy and urethrotomy. Tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter was found to be superior to PVC catheter.

Published by: Basavaraj R. Balappanavar, B. V Shivaprakash, S. M Usturge, D. Dilipkumar, Ashok Pawar, Vivek R. Kasaralikar, Vinay P. Tikare

Author: Basavaraj R. Balappanavar

Paper ID: V3I4-1162

Paper Status: published

Published: July 8, 2017

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Glass Fiber Reinforced With Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash

Concrete is one of the most widely used construction material in today’s world. Cement being one of the essential constituent of the concrete. Environmental issues are also playing a vital role in today’s world, the production of cement one of the major constituent of concrete leads to release the of significant amount of carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas contributing 7% of greenhouse gas emission to the earth atmosphere, beside deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. Safe disposal of glass waste generated in day to day life due to limited life span and after use it is either stock piled or sent to land fill is also a challenging task. There is now a significant world-wide interest to solve the environmental problem caused by industrial waste and other material by including such material in the manufacture of concrete. Effort have been made in concrete industry to use waste glass in concrete production not only provide significant environmental benefits but also enhances performances of concrete when used at optimum amounts. IN this study, glass fibers in different volume fraction with 20%, 30% and 40% replacement of cement by fly ash has been to study the effect on compressive strength, split tensile strength, of concrete and compared it to the conventional concrete. For each mix standard sizes of cubes, cylinders and as per Indian Standards were cast and tested for compressive strength and splittensile strength at age of 7days and 28days.

Published by: Hifzurrahman, Zeeshan Khan, Amir Mirza Baig

Author: Hifzurrahman

Paper ID: V3I3-1639

Paper Status: published

Published: July 7, 2017

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Resource Allocation Utilizing Enthalpy Based Krill Herd Optimization Algorithm in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been a sort of Internet-related computing which proffers distributed computer processing resources , data computers and other devices upon requirement. The prior methodology of resource assignment in cloud computing is accomplished through Queuing Theory Based Cuckoo Search algorithm and it is having few limitations including failure in processing plus knapsack issue. Moreover scheduling energy consumption plus computational cost is high. Our proposed work of resource assignment through workflow scheduling is purely carried in two stages. First stage comprises of two phases, for every available task we measure task reward, delay, transmission probability, communication cost and reputation. According to the task measure value computed, we calculate the Enthalpy values. In the Second stage of our proposed work, we employ enthalpy based krill herd optimization algorithm for allocating resources that increase trade make span and for minimizing the resource usage. It also reduces computational complexity by enhancing the computing efficiency of processing elements. The implementation of our suggested algorithm reduces the knapsack issue of energy consumption, VM usage, PM usage, computational time, task migration and resource utilization which proffers to cost reduction.

Published by: Chenni Kumaran .J, M. Aramudhan

Author: Chenni Kumaran .J

Paper ID: V3I4-1137

Paper Status: published

Published: July 7, 2017

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NC Cloud A Network-Coding-Based Storage System in a Cloud-of-Clouds

To ensure outsourced information in different distributed storage condition, we give adaptation to internal failure and tried and true information honesty for distributed storage. Assume if distributed storage encounters the changeless disappointment and loses every one of its information at that point, there is a need to recover the lost outsource information with help of other surviving cloud stockpiles. We propose an Intermediary based Capacity for blame tolerant various distributed storage condition called as System coding based capacity. Useful least stockpiling recovering (FMSR) codes are utilized for recovering lost outsourced information in numerous distributed storage condition. We additionally approve that FMSR codes lessen repair activity and cause less money related cost amid information exchange than customary deletion [RAID-6].

Published by: Amogh S. Kinagi, Pundalik .R

Author: Amogh S. Kinagi

Paper ID: V3I3-1622

Paper Status: published

Published: July 7, 2017

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