Enhance Energy Efficient Low Cost WSN System for Precision in Agriculture Zone
Big amount of data is collected by the sensors from the end Subsequently, this considerably big amount of data must be processed, analyzed and stored in a effective ways. In this manner, an of computing resources and storage be provided to compute this large amount of data. To focused on introducing the latest technologies like as sensors, WSN to revise approaches to agriculture by collecting the data about the various parameters of soil, analyzes the data and performed the computations, giving the best optimal solutions for the farming. The application of computing in agricultural economy will open up a vast range of prospects, such as the vast storage of agriculture information, the cloud management of agricultural production process, the storage of agricultural economy information, early-warning and policy-making based on the agricultural products market, the tracing management of agricultural products quality
Published by: Prashant Suresh Mahure, Amit Fulsunge, Kartik Ingole
Author: Prashant Suresh Mahure
Paper ID: V3I3-1511
Paper Status: published
Published: June 13, 2017
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