
Recent Papers

Mobile Cloud Computing Model and Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Applications

This paper reviews networked healthcare and the role of mobile cloud computing and big data analytic s in its ennoblement. The motivation and development of networked healthcare applications and systems are presented along with the adoption of cloud computing in healthcare. A cloud let-based mobile cloud-computing infrastructure to be used for healthcare big data applications is described. The techniques, tools, and applications of big data analytics are reviewed. Conclusions are drawn concerning the design of networked healthcare systems using big data and mobile cloud-computing technologies analytics

Published by: Dhanya .K, Prof. Preethi .S

Author: Dhanya .K

Paper ID: V3I3-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: May 4, 2017

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Industrial Security Solution with Embedded

This paper is about the design, implementation, and testing of an Embedded Based Industrial Security System. This is completely self-contained PIC- Microcontroller based Security System which gives a complete security measurements for an Industry. It has the facilities of Intruder Alarm, Proximity Detector, Attendance Entry, Fire sensor. PIC Microcontroller is linked to the PC through the RS-232port, the feature packed enables the Security System to be interfaced with the PC and to provide PC based output. During Computer, Aided display of the output, the PC takes control and monitor any signal from security system such as Proximity, Fire Occurrence, Attendance Entry, Unauthorized Entry. The response of the security system is reflected immediately in the monitor. The user can access the data to get security reports at any time using the display screen of the project.

Published by: Rohan Krishnarao Ninawe, M. Vishnu Teja, Prateek Mantri, G. Balaji Mohan

Author: Rohan Krishnarao Ninawe

Paper ID: V3I3-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: May 4, 2017

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Gamification: An Initiative to Improve Engagement and Performance in Education

Gamification is an initiative which can be used to complement the various conventional learning and teaching processes in schools and higher educational institutions. Students deem the present educational practices as boring and exhausting. Universities have failed time and again to motivate students to attend regular classes. This has forced many schools and universities to make it compulsory for students to maintain at least 75% attendance in every course they enroll into. Schools and universities have failed to motivate and engage students in the learning process in general as well. Gamification can be used to solve this issue to a great extent. Gamification can be embedded into the learning process as Games make it a much fun and enjoyable experience. People of almost all ages like to play games – not only for rewards but also to experience the feeling of winning and the joy of playing a game. Various game-related components such as points, badges, medals, Leader boards and so on can be used to implement gamification in a class of students. Every university maintains a database of students’ attendance and marks scored during the various assessment tests. In this paper, this data is being used in a class of university students. Various rules have been written to reward the students with points and badges. In the frontend, a user interface (web Application) is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap, D3.js and jQuery. MySQL has been used as the DBMS to run the queries on the data. PHP is used to link the UI with the database, both of which are hosted on the server.

Published by: Mustaque Bin Rashid, Prof. Suganya .P

Author: Mustaque Bin Rashid

Paper ID: V3I3-1192

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2017

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Performance Analysis of Data Transmission in Free Space Optical (FSO) Communication

— Free space optical (FSO) communication has become a viable technology for broadband wireless application which offers the potential of high bandwidth capacity over unlicensed optical wavelength. Atmospheric turbulence has most significant impact on the quality of laser beam propagating through the atmosphere over long distance. For optical wireless communication system, most frequently used system is dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM). We are applying 150m channel spacing with 40 GHz bandwidth and 1550nm laser source. FSO channel work like Afocal scheme, it can reduce the size of laser beam, and expected longer free-space transmission in FSO communication, receiver side equal gain combining technique in presence of strong atmospheric turbulence. The signal to noise ratio (SNR), good bit-error rate (BER) performance and clear eye diagram are obtained and will be evaluated numerically for different system parameters. Such as DWDM FSO communication in provided the long transmission distance and high transmission rate, it useful for high speed light based Wi-Fi and Li-Fi applications

Published by: Vipin Mishra, S. Sugumaran

Author: Vipin Mishra

Paper ID: V3I3-1216

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2017

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Comparison of Crystographic Techniques

The study of hiding information is referred to as cryptography. When communicating over the untrusted med. Such as the internet it becomes very important to protect the sensitive information and hence cryptography plays a crucial role there. It is the study of hiding of info. Over an untrusted medium like the internet where it becomes compulsory to protect the information from the third party or the eavesdropper. On the other hand, steganography provides a cover or a protection layer to the sensitive information being transferred. Steganography deals with the composting of hidden messages so that only the sender is aware of the message being sent and if the third party tries to interferes he/she gets nothing but the cover medium being developed with the help of steganography. There have been many logical combinations of steganographic techniques which result in efficient protection for any content to be transferred. In this paper, we try to try out some of the famous combination of steganographic techniques and result out the best of them in terms of speed efficiency, security, and reliability for the user.

Published by: Lakshay Thakur, Roshan Lal Chokkar

Author: Lakshay Thakur

Paper ID: V3I2-1531

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2017

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Intelligent Methods used for Placement of Distributed Generation Units in Distribution Networks

Distributed generation (DG) plays a significant role in reducing real power loss, lowering the operating cost and improving the voltage profile. This paper formulates the DG placement problem a combined objectives as individual objectives and presents a solution method for optimally determining the bus locations and sizing of multiple DG units in distribution networks using biogeography-based optimization (BBO). BBO, inspired from the geographical distribution of biological species, searches for an optimal solution through the migration and mutation operators. Test results on a 33-node distribution network reveal the superiority of the developed method.

Published by: A. Arulvizhi, B. Balaji, G. Balambigai

Author: A. Arulvizhi

Paper ID: V3I2-1588

Paper Status: published

Published: April 28, 2017

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