Impact of Attacks on Permutation Only Image Encryption Scheme
Permutation is a commonly used primitive in multi- media (image/video) encryption schemes, and many permutation-only algorithms have been proposed in recent years for protection of multimedia data. In permutation-only image ciphers, the entries of the image matrix are scrambled using a permutation mapping matrix which is built by splitting and shuffling the part of the image. The literature on the cryptanalysis of image ciphers indicates that permutation-only image ciphers are insecure against ciphertext-only attacks and/or known/chosen- plaintext attacks. However, previous studies have not been able to ensure the correct retrieval of the complete plaintext elements. In this paper, we re-visited the previous works on cryptanalysis of permutation-only image encryption schemes and made the cryptanalysis work on chosen-plaintext attacks complete and more efficient. We proved that in all permutation-only image ciphers, regardless of the cipher structure, the correct permutation mapping is recovered completely by a making multiple combination of two encrypted image. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, this paper gives a combination attack that completely determines the correct plaintext elements using a deterministic method. Also, the detection of hacker at adminside with the help of IP detection and blocking system is to be done in this system for future prevention of permutation attack.
Published by: Ambare Snehal Bharat
Author: Ambare Snehal Bharat
Paper ID: V3I3-1583
Paper Status: published
Published: June 21, 2017
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