
Recent Papers

Design, Analysis and Comparing for Different Cylinder Head of C.I. Engine

The main aim of this work is to predict the design performance based on stress/strain and Behaviour of cylinder head under various operating conditions. The effects of various engineering operating conditions such as combustion gas maximum internal pressure, thermal stress behaviour and fatigue stress of the cylinder head have been analysed. In any working engine, the piston and the cylinder head are the most vulnerable members due to increased mechanical and thermal loadings. The mechanical loading is mainly due to gas pressure in the gas chamber and its magnitude can be judged in terms of peak pressure. Thermal loading is due to temperature and heat transfer conditions in the piston surface cylinder liner and cylinder head. The geometry modeling was carried out using popular computer-aided engineering tools, CATIA V5R19 and the analysis was carried out using a finite element analysis (FEA) software package ANSYS. The result can be used to determine the quality of design as well as identify areas which require further improvement, and also the maximum stresses is found not exceeding material strength of cylinder head. In this work, we have also designed and compare two types of cylinder heads and formulated the importance of fins.The main aim of this work is to predict the design performance based on stress/strain and Behaviour of cylinder head under various operating conditions. The effects of various engineering operating conditions such as combustion gas maximum internal pressure, thermal stress behaviour and fatigue stress of the cylinder head have been analysed. In any working engine, the piston and the cylinder head are the most vulnerable members due to increased mechanical and thermal loadings. The mechanical loading is mainly due to gas pressure in the gas chamber and its magnitude can be judged in terms of peak pressure. Thermal loading is due to temperature and heat transfer conditions in the piston surface cylinder liner and cylinder head. The geometry modelling was carried out using popular computer-aided engineering tools, CATIA V5R19 and the analysis was carried out using a finite element analysis (FEA) software package ANSYS. The result can be used to determine the quality of design as well as identify areas which require further improvement, and also the maximum stresses is found not exceeding material strength of cylinder head. In this work, we have also designed and compare two types of cylinder heads and formulated the importance of fins.

Published by: Kunal S. Nagrik, Nawaz M. Merchant, Mukesh S. Rajpurohit, Swanand S. Pachpore

Author: Kunal S. Nagrik

Paper ID: V3I2-1539

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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A Novel Technique for Path Completion in Web Usage Mining

World Wide Web is a huge repository of web pages and links. The Web mining field encompasses a wide array of issues, primarily aimed at deriving actionable knowledge from the Web, and includes researchers from information retrieval, database technologies, and artificial intelligence. The growth of web is tremendous as approximately one million pages are added daily. Users’ accesses are recorded in web logs. Most data used for mining is collected from Web servers, clients, proxy servers, or server databases, all of which generate noisy data. Because Web mining is sensitive to noise, data cleaning methods are necessary. Web usage mining consists of three phases preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. Web log data is usually noisy and ambiguous and data preprocessing system for web usage mining is an important process. A data processioning includes data cleaning, user identification, session identification and path completion. The inexact data in web access log are mainly caused by local caching and proxy servers which are used to improve performance and minimize network traffic. The proposed method uses path completion algorithm to preprocess the data. The proposed path completion algorithm efficiently appends the lost information and improves the consistency of access data for further web usage mining calculations.

Published by: Padmapriya .R, D. Maheswari

Author: Padmapriya .R

Paper ID: V3I2-1536

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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An Innovation in Palm Vein Authentication for Biometric Privacy Preservation

In real-time security applications, the image processing, and computer vision plays a major part in determining the whole operation. The main advantages of biometric privacy are, to keep the information safe and secure, and access the information from anywhere at any time. In some traditional cases, the security systems are processed by passwords, personal identification numbers, and identification cards. In these cases, several problems occur due to the card was stolen and password hacking. Hence, to avoid such limitations it is necessary to implement the digital biometric data units in terms of face, iris, palm, fingerprints and voice. Among these data, the palm is considered in this work to explore the possibility of cryptography. Initially, the palm images are selected and stored in the database to cross-check the identity of private images which is considered as input, then the enrollment is made by comparing the public host images. The image is authenticated with the help of database with images. Finally, the decision is taken by matching the originally targeted palm image.

Published by: M. Suganya, Dr. S. Suganya

Author: M. Suganya

Paper ID: V3I2-1530

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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Generalised Paranormal Operators

An operator T ∈B(H) is said to be generalized P-paranormal if ‖|T|^p U |T|^p x ‖‖x‖≥1/M^p ‖|T|^p x‖^2 for all x∈H, p > 0, and M > 0, where U is the partial isometry appeared in the polar decomposition T=U|T| of T. The aim of this note is to obtain some structure theorem for a class of generalized P-paranormal operators. Exactly we will give some conditions which are generalization of concepts of generalized paranormal operators.

Published by: N. Sivakumar, S. Angelin Abirani

Author: N. Sivakumar

Paper ID: V3I2-1528

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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Evolving Cyber Security Challenges to the Smart Grid Landscape

Integrating smart solutions into the existing power infrastructure promises to offer attractive capabilities of dynamic monitoring, measuring and even controlling power flows in real time that can help identify losses and trigger appropriate technical and managerial actions to minimize the damage. With the vision of building a Smart India, Government of India’s National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) is solely aimed at providing functional resources and financial assistance in planning and implementation of smart grids across the nation. NSGM proposes comprehensive solutions for the development, establishment, operations and management of smart grids, stipulate training & capacity building, strengthen consumer engagement and dispense funding to state-owned discus. Smart grid solutions vastly employ information technology in the underlying roots in varying forms of networking and application aspects to enable monitoring and control of the flow of electricity to end users. The extensive incorporation of information technology provides numerous benefits to the grid operations and management, such as increased visibility, predictability, in addition to the regulation of generation and demand to improve efficiency. However, this enhanced use of information technology to the grid has in parallel introduced the dimension of cybercrime to the smart grid as the grid is now constantly connected to the Internet and can be exploited by hackers by leveraging the wide array of cyber security vulnerabilities. Security of the smart grid is essential to ensure uninterrupted power supply and minimize resulting losses. Compromise of the grid may result in a huge information or business losses by the means of cyber espionage or grid collapse. An uninterrupted power supply lies at the heart of all sectors and failures to the same will result in cascading damages, compelling the establishment of robust smart grids. The paper offers insight into key cyber security threats and vulnerabilities concerning the smart grid technology and proposes protection strategies, methodologies, and technologies to safeguard the smart grid from resulting security damages.

Published by: Seema Goel, Ashish Jindal

Author: Seema Goel

Paper ID: V3I2-1523

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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Weighted Random Walk on PPI Network

Proteins in the same protein complexes should highly interact with each other but rarely interact with the other proteins in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. All interaction network weighting schemes have been proposed so far in the literature in order to eliminate the noise inherent in interactome data. Visualization representation of data visually and is an important task in scientific research. PPI are discovered using mass spectrometry, or in silico predictions tools, resulting in large collections of interactions stored in specialized databases. Using Random walk on weighted graphs for identifying the interaction easily between Protein subsets and measuring the evaluation performance of proteins, Graphs for PINs visualizing the high number of nodes and connections, the heterogeneity of nodes (proteins) and edges (interactions), the possibility to annotate proteins and interactions with biological information that enriches the PINs with semantic information, and maintained as a separate databases for easy retrieval information of proteins from various Protein databases.

Published by: Thillainayaki, M. Hemalatha

Author: Thillainayaki

Paper ID: V3I2-1521

Paper Status: published

Published: April 26, 2017

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