
Recent Papers

Conversion of Window Air Conditioner into Air Source Heat Pump and Experimentation on Heat Pump Setup

Air source heat pump water heaters are a promising technology and use the same mechanical principles as refrigerators and air conditioners. While refrigerators remove heat from the interior and discharge it to the environment, heat pump water heater take heat from the environment and concentrate it to heat water for service needs. The heat pump water heater, based on the vapour compression cycle, absorbs heat from a renewable energy source. Heat pump is a device that provides heat energy from a source of heat to a destination called a "heat sink". Heat pumps are designed to move thermal energy opposite to the direction of spontaneous heat flow by absorbing heat from a cold space and release it to a warmer one, and vice-versa. A heat pump water heater operates on an electrically driven vapor-compression cycle and pumps energy from the air in its surroundings to water in a storage tank, thus raising the temperature of the water. The hermetically seal compressor compress the refrigerant and send to the condenser. The evaporator absorbed surrounding heat and send to compressor. The condenser gives heat to the water.

Published by: Vaibhav Borate, Akshay Bhandare, Navanath Gawali, Devendra Jagtap, Prof. S. H Sonawane

Author: Vaibhav Borate

Paper ID: V3I3-1426

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Patterned Fabric Defect Detection Using Wavelet Golden Image Subtraction Method

In this paper decomposition of fabric, the image is done using wavelet transform method. The wavelet decomposition for the defective image as well as for original image is done. The wavelet decomposed defective image vertical component is subtracted from the non-defective image. Finally thresholding and filtering techniques used to get a defect.

Published by: Sarojini Ganapati Naik, M. S Biradar, Kishor B. Bhangale

Author: Sarojini Ganapati Naik

Paper ID: V3I3-1428

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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The Role of Satellite Zigbee Technology in Flood Monitoring and Communication System

India is facing a severe provocation with an increasing frequency of flood nowadays. It is pivotal to utilize the state of the art sensing and communication technologies to monitor and detect the flood occurrences. In this paper, various weather monitoring techniques have been reviewed. The system displays these readings in real time on a display. It also keeps track of historical information on an hourly and daily basis. The historical data can be pulled up on the display at the request of the user. Various techniques are used to monitor the weather like satellites, radars, microcontrollers, wireless sensor network and many other simple instruments. Weather can also be monitored by using remote wireless sensors. In this system we use ZigBee technology. ZigBee is the latest wireless weather monitoring techniques. The vital role of the designed satellite ZigBee technology in flood monitoring and communication system is based on Mobile App. This Mobile App is used to communicate with the people during flood times and is to continuously monitor, detect and report the environmental status to a control unit using water level sensor, satellite ZigBee and the readings are displayed in it. The main objective of this project is to rescue the people who are present in flood areas by sending and receiving the messages using this Mobile App. This system was developed using Embedded C language with the help of Proteus software. The developed system gives a timely alert of flood occurrences. The proposed system can be beneficial to the neighborhood and act as a precautionary action to save lives and properties of the people in the case of flood times.

Published by: P. Nivethitha, S. R Karthiga, C. Reikha

Author: P. Nivethitha

Paper ID: V3I3-1439

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Social Freedom of Female Teachers

A survey type research has been conducted on secondary level at Jaunpur districts to study the social freedom of Female teachers. Sample size 400 were selected on the basis of subject and locality based on random technique. For measuring the social freedom of female teachers has taken standardized tool which is developed by L.I Bhushan. In order to analyze the data statistical technique has used mean, S.D and CR values. Findings were rural & urban and science & art related female teachers are similar in social freedom.

Published by: Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh

Author: Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh

Paper ID: V3I3-1431

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Optimization of Structure to Achieve Economy in Transportation

KALESHWARAM Project (Dr. B.R.A. Pranahitha Chevella Sujala Sravanthi Project), comprises of 28 packages. This Road Bridge under consideration is selected from package 15 of this project. The Kaleshwaram project main canal on its way is crossing the existing road at chainage K.M 6.740. The proposed road bridge is intended to establish Connectivity between TEEGUL Village and RAMNAGAR Village by crossing kaleshwaram Project main canal at KM.6.740. The existing road is a B T Road for which a Single lane Road bridge is proposed. A Single lane road bridge is that permits two-way traffic in a single lane width. This kind of roads was common in rural areas. This structure has to be inevitably provide across this irrigation canal to establish the connectivity. As the irrigation canal crossing BT road along the proposed alignment the government of Telangana proposed a Double Lane Road Bridge. Instead, proposal of a single single-ledge was examined in the place of Double Lane Road Bridge on the basis of traffic study at the site of the structure. Before the proposal of Single Lane Road Bridge, soil Investigation was done at the proposed site to arrive the soil characteristics. Traffic survey was conducted for the road at the proposed site of the structure. The data thus obtained lead to the choice of a single lane road bridge. The Single lane road bridge thus proposed was designed in the light of the relevant IRC & IS codes. Its estimate is arrived to be 0.36 Crores and the Double lane Road bridge is of 0.83 Crores as per department estimate. Thus by optimizing and adopting a Single Lane Road Bridge over a Double Lane Road Bridge, economy in the cost of structure will be achieved.

Published by: J. Ashwini, Dr. M. D. Subhan

Author: J. Ashwini

Paper ID: V3I3-1430

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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Synthetic Speech Spoofing Detection using MFCC and SVM

Now-a-days synthetic voice is frequently used to defraud a biometric access systems which is speaker recognition based. This paper presents synthetic speech detection in automatic speaker verification system (ASV) for the purpose of spoof detection. Feature extraction is done by canonical Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) algorithm and classification of natural and synthetic voice is done using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Several experiments are carried out, showing that nonlinear SVM performs better than linear SVM.

Published by: Anagha Sonawane, M. U Inamdar

Author: Anagha Sonawane

Paper ID: V3I3-1433

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2017

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