
Recent Papers

A Review on Currently Available Different Self-Inflating Tyre Systems in Commercial Vehicles

Earlier performed studies that show that a drop in tyre pressure by a few PSI may result in the reduction of mileage, tyre life, safety, and vehicle performance. Self-inflating tyre system ensures that tyres are properly inflated at all times. With the increasing prices of oil and growing concern of environmental issues, this system addresses a potential improvement in gas mileage. Thus in this paper, we reviewed the all available self-inflating tyre systems that are used nowadays in commercial vehicles.

Published by: Swapnil N. Kadam, Amol N. Patil

Author: Swapnil N. Kadam

Paper ID: V3I2-1310

Paper Status: published

Published: March 24, 2017

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Design an Elliptical Shaped UWB Antenna Enhanced Bandwidth by using NOTCH

Abstract — This paper presents the design of rejection band centered at 5.5 GHz is obtained by etching out incomplete inverted C type slots coplanar waveguide (CPW) with band notch. The FR4 material is used as substrate here having a dielectric constant of 4.3. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna covers the frequency range from 2.6GHz to13.89 GHz. The group delay shows a flat response lying within 1ns except at the notch frequencies.

Published by: Rashmi, Pushpendra Singh

Author: Rashmi

Paper ID: V3I2-1305

Paper Status: published

Published: March 24, 2017

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To Evaluate the Efficacy Of Jambira Pinda Sweda In Females Suffering From Sandhigatavata (Osteoarthritis)

Sandhigata Vata is described under Vatavyadhi in Samhitas and Sangraha texts. Sushrutha has included Vata vyadi as one among the Ashta Mahagada, which is a Yapya vyadhi. In Vriddhvastha all the dhatus undergo Kshaya. Thus it leads to Vataprakopa and makes individuals prone to many diseases especially affecting the joints. Based on the symptoms, it can be compared with Osteoarthritis of Knee according to modern science. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis that results from the breakdown of joint cartilage. Its prevalence is more in female and among old age people. It mainly affected weight-bearing joints of the body especially the knee, hip, lumbar spine associated with ageing, physical occupation, activity, and obesity. In Ayurveda Shoola, Sotha and difficult in flexion and extension of the Sandhi (Prasarana Aankuchan Pravriti Vedana)are the symptoms. These groups of symptoms have been described as Sandhigata Vata by various acharyas. In the present study, the diagnosed cases of Sandhigata vata were treated with traditional Ayurvedic oral medicines along with local application of medicated oil and Jambira pinda i swedana as a special therapy. The result showed that Ayurvedic treatment procedures are significant in the Sandhigata vata without any ADR. The result of the present study revealed the therapeutic use of the natural product according to Ayurvedic principle and practice of Sandhigata vata. The improvement of the present Ayurvedic treatment procedure on pain 60.70%, stiffness 68.44%, restricted movement 62.30%, crepitations m 54.60% and tenderness77.66%. The overall relief was observed 64.74%.

Published by: Dr. Manoj .R

Author: Dr. Manoj .R

Paper ID: V3I2-1303

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2017

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Modification of Screw Pump by Using Intelligent Pump for Lifting Viscous Molasses in Sugar House Distillation Section

In the present work, it is proposed that the tremendous growth has continuously rise in demand for power. So energy conservation and its utilization play an important role in nowadays Currently in sugarcane industry screw pump is used, which has some limitation is as follow 1. The electrical motor is required to run the screw pump. 2. High maintenance cost 3. More consumption of electricity. 4. Low capacity of lifting high viscous molasses. 5. High initial cost. So it is necessary to adopt energy conserving industrial pump overcome the limitation of screw pump by different alternatives, some of them are; centrifugal pump, rotary pump, pneumatic pump. Amongst, pneumatic pump (Intelligent pump) is more convenient and efficient than the other pump. Its performance is very closer to the required application.

Published by: Vasekar Balaji Pandurang, Nevase Varad Mohan, Khalate Onkar Subhash, Bhagwat Amol Ganpat, Sangram D. Jadhav

Author: Vasekar Balaji Pandurang

Paper ID: V3I2-1299

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2017

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Proactive Measures to Avoid Illegal Construction

Focus is to improve transparency between Government and Citizens and to deliver the government rules, regulations and plans to citizens by using the growth of technology effectively as E-Governance. Especially a proactive measure to avoid illegal construction of buildings on the dried water bodies, river bank areas and agricultural lands as plots and apartments due to urbanization. To avoid registration of agricultural land for commercial purpose. To block the approval of layout of buildings, new electricity (Electricity Board) connection, new water supply connection and loans for those lands. Brokers can be avoided by this method. We can also avoid corruption. This system will be very helpful on the time of rainfall season, to avoid flood and also save water by using these dried water bodies which will indirectly reduce the water scarcity problem for drinking and also helpful to farmers for agriculture. As all of us know that, “Agriculture is the Backbone of India”. So, we can reduce the price of all the food materials.

Published by: A. Karthikeyan, N. Mohan Prabhu

Author: A. Karthikeyan

Paper ID: V3I2-1297

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2017

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One Round Privacy Preserving Meeting Location for Smartphone Applications

In this emerging world user’s are totally dependent upon the mobile phones(smart phones) through which they are scheduling their day to day activity & plans. In order to that to arrange meeting user’s can utilize their mobiles. So that they can know about their whereabouts. In this project ENMP technique used to send notification to the member’s who are needed to attend meeting after knowing about the location of the members with which the admin can plan the meeting location and timing so that, the meeting can be organized without any delay.

Published by: Vishnu Priya .G, Vinitha .P, Vanaja .B

Author: Vishnu Priya .G

Paper ID: V3I2-1295

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2017

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